The boy now has a ride :-)

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great idea pit

very simple fix

the way i went was a lot more involved as i used the same type of wheels you have used but like i said the engineer made them to work with the rear suspension

was awsome set up but expensive yours sound like the idea i had come up with first but i was keen to get them to work with the suspension

with your set up do the wheel run on the ground constantly or are they set a little above ground ?

I'm sorry for all the questions on this but it was a major when i was coming up with the idea yrs back and am very keen to see your solution as I'm sure other parents would be for there young riders

yeah suzuki sell sets now for $250 that work with the suspension, but iam not the kinda person that just goes and buys something, i prefer to make it myself lol,

i kept my wheels 40mm off the ground on both sides for 3 reasons:

1) the make sure the bike still has a little be of unstableness to it, i didnt wanna get him used to riding a bike that was perfectly stable, otherwise they dont learn to keep balance, he still has to keep a little bit of balance now and it can be ridden in a straight line without the training wheels actually touching, so hes still gotta think about balance now even though he has the train wheels on,

2) i made them off the ground so he can still ride in dirt, cause if you use train wheels in dirt and turn corners the inside wheel usually digs into the dirt and gets bog, or the inside wheel drags heavily in the dirt making them loose balance and possibily tipping over, but he can ride in dirt and when he goes around corners the inside wheels isnt actually touching the dirt (maybe touches a little bit at times) but not constantly trying to drag through soft dirt, and also on cement when turning if that inside wheel is on the ground it grabs into the cement and makes turning the bike a very jerky motion,

3) i put them in the middle too because having them out the back i just thought when they start getting some speed up and if they ever turned sharply i would think the bike could flip over quite easily, i know his push bike did if he turned too quickly, it used to throw him sideways into the ground, but i tested his motorbike yesterday b4 i let him ride it, and i could go really fast and turn sharply and i couldnt get the bike to become unstable and wanna tip sideways under higher speeds,

but he still has full safety of the train wheels, and can ride it easily when fully relying on the wheels to keep him upright.

so they are my 2 reasons why i made mine like i did,

if you have any pics of your setup, throw some pics up, either in this thread, or email to me would be great, id be interested in seeing them.

as for all the questions, dont worry keep asking if you have any, i really dont mind mate!

Cheers Paul
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nice job, im guessin now that its saturday he will be riding it all day, lol.
won't be long be4 he starts riding your bikes, lol, looks like he's having alot of fun.
nice job, im guessin now that its saturday he will be riding it all day, lol.
won't be long be4 he starts riding your bikes, lol, looks like he's having alot of fun.

YEP!!! just got home lol



Hehe you remind me of my dad.

yeh mine 2, mi dad hates taking mi bike to a mechanic since a blue moon ago he was a full on petrol head, lol. handy cos every time something ticks and i tell him where it is he knows what it is, bad when something breaks and he has no time to fix it, lol.
those pics are nice, where abouts did u go? that perfect, just a big piece of land with nobody around, if he a very confident rider?
Awsome!! such a lucky kid... he's gunna be a gun rider when his older mate... he'll be showing up his dad soon ;) ride on...
those pics are nice, where abouts did u go? that perfect, just a big piece of land with nobody around, if he a very confident rider?

Thanks, thats a friends farm 5 mins drive from our house:D theres a pretty fun track in the back ground for cruising around on too!

hes doing pretty well at it, hes not belting around or anything, but does ride around no worries, every hour hes on it now you can notice the confidence getting higher and higher, considering his age iam just happy hes so keen to learn it, its all he talks about now, and doesnt hesitate telling strangers in the street he now has a bike:p .

KTMKID yeah mate iam hoping hes rippin it up by the time hes 9-10:D

FLARRY yeah and i got that trait from my old man, he would rather spend a whole weekend making something than go to the shop and buy it in 15mins:p
bi the time he's 9 or 10 he will be pro man, lol. nice to hear he loves the bike, i saw u sellin ur bike, r u gonna keep it now to ride with junior? he would probably feel better riding with daddy i guess...
bi the time he's 9 or 10 he will be pro man, lol. nice to hear he loves the bike, i saw u sellin ur bike, r u gonna keep it now to ride with junior? he would probably feel better riding with daddy i guess...

hopefully turn pro and make dadda some money and free bikes from sponsorships:D

i (was / is) still selling it, but little unsure now, i would be replacing it straight away cause yeah we'll ride together everytime! BUT unless i get a modded CRF50 i cant see myself buying another china, otherwise id stick with mine now cause its so reliable now.

lol, yeh. the bike u have now would have to be pretty good, i mean, lifan engine, fastace suspension, tri swingarm etc. plus modding a crf50 can cost alot more than building a bike from scratch. i thought the bike u made was a hood idea, now u know it's been put together properlly and that the dealer isn't lying about the bike. so u going riding 2moz as well?? lol, bet he jumps on ya bed at 7am with his helmet on, lol. have fun
Sounds like fun.

Looking forward to when i am a dad an able to make my little man/girl out for a ride.

I don't care if i have a girl but she's not gonna be dropping bikes for dolls haha. she'll most def have a bike.
Looks awesome pitmaster, wish my mum had of got me into bikes that young.

The little kid looks like hes enjoyin himself.
i have a little brother, he's 5 now, got him his first bike on his 4th birthday and he was stoked! he loves it! problem is no one wants him to get hurt, like i don't live with him, i don't live with any of my brothers or sisters, so i cant get dad to let him ride just on his own, hehehehe, my bro loves it when i see him, i let him do his own thing, which i recon is the best way for them to learn, fall off, get back on and keep riding!!!

i started riding later, first bike at 13, and i really regret not getting into it earlier, its always good to start young!!!

BTW pitmaster, i love the training wheels! really good idea, i was going to for my brother, but dad didn't let me do it grrrrrrrrrrrr

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