the chat at da bottom

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mad man

Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2006
Reaction score
hey, guys the chat at the botom, do you think it should be above the page before the forums??
i think it would be heeps better you never see it down there!

Is that possable!?????????????????????????/ tty
If you mean the little chat box at the bottom of the page, I thought the same.. You kinda forget about it down their, so I protested and Foolsp33d chucked in a Link up there! Forum User CP Chatbox
yeh my point exacly, put it up the top?/
Meh. it would look bunk up there, especialy the trash that goes in it sometimes
If you mean the little chat box at the bottom of the page, I thought the same.. You kinda forget about it down their, so I protested and Foolsp33d chucked in a Link up there! Forum User CP Chatbox

I did no such thing!! My powers are limited,you were just lucky the tooth fairy heard your pleas! or maybe it was santa!?? IDK but it wasnt me... lmao.
what chat box I looked for it but cant find it lol
Oh yeah, it wasnt Fool.. It was miniriders the admin.. MY BAD!

Miniriders is far cooler than Foolsp33d :rolleyes:
if it's the quick reply it at the bottom of the page because your ment to read the post's before you reply

otherwise i don't know what your talking about
on the main page there is a chat system at the botom of the page - its new! but you forget about it down there. can we take it up to the top of the page for a trial

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