The complete opposite to a pitbike genius

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im just going by what my mates got lol, got a group of 4 atomik 125's (2 autos that sound like postie bikes, 2 i thinks older stock? a lot better build anyway) and 2 atomik 140s.

i did my homework and went with dhz :)
still, we are waiting on a few to come including mine so give it a few months and time will tell
well I have to say, if the old atomiks were anything like the Lei XY's, I know where they got their bad rep, mate brought it over today, his second ride, problems were, ignition barrel falling out, carb top not screwed on properly, nuts coming loose all over the place, chain has stretched HEAPS, the rear shock is well.. shocking, I sat on it and it just started bouncing up and down, no damping at all. Also the rear brake hits the engine cover with no way of adjusting this, the throttle cable is also out of adjustment by miles, have had to screw the bit on the throttle all the way out to keep play in check. Probably more that I've missed all this and it's his second ride, but he still likes it as it's his first bike.
I can safely say though, the nitrous is MILES ahead in quality, I've had no nuts come loose on mine I can say.
The auto motoX's from atomik are probably a cheaper build as they sell cheaper.
I've had the atomik nitrous 150 now for a month and nothing has gone wrong, there is nothing I can complain about other than the engine noise which may or may not be normal and the carb jetting isn't right at half throttle.
haha .....i cant believe even after bike shootouts from the 50s brotehrhood there is still arguments about whats best and whats the shittest well come on there is a saying you get what you pay i never used to belive this and its not the case with everything but most pitbikes you will find that spend 3 grand and you wont replace much other then the fuel in the tank and your oil and a rear tyre here and there but spend say 700 and you will more than likely end up rebuilding the bike.....yes they seem really good at the time but give it year and add up your costs coz when i bought my bike i paid 800 and lets say i spent enough money to of bought a high end pitbike like a pitster x4r

so mate choose wisely
wow thankyou everyone for the replies. Well i really still dont know what to do lol. I do realise you get what you pay for....but i cant really justify spending oodles, even though will probably cost me more in the long run. Best be back to the drawing board and put my thinking cap on.
First up, i dont think MrBrnz is trying to state, or even convince anyone that the Nitrous is THE bike to have, nor is he stating it's the best pitty out there. I agree with pretty much everything that has been posted in here, but no one's seemed to find the point here..
Yes, you get what you pay for. But then, you always have the option of buying what you need, or what suits you, and what you need or what suits you, or what you can afford, is not always a PitsterPro Linkage LXR... If you're just a weekend noob to pittys, the Nitrous may well be a great bike for you. It seems the Nitrous is the Flagship for Atomik, and is going someway to improving their questionable bike line-up. Yes, Atomik are unscrupulous in their dealings, and offer nothing but cheap bikes to the industry, but for some people, particularly new riders with little money, or people looking to get into bikes, and cant justify dropping 3k on a PP LXR 160, the Nitrous may well be their best bet FOR THE MONEY. But that's the point. Yes there are better bikes out there, there are better stores out there, there are more reliable bikes out, there are cheaper bikes out there, and there are more expensive bikes out there. Look at it this way... Would you suggest an L-plater go out and buy a HSV Clubsport for his or her first car? No, you'd suggest they buy a cheap shitbox that isnt going to kill them, and may actually teach them something about vehicle maintenance. Same principal works for bikes... Why recommend a 3k bike for a noob, when they may decide pitbikes are not for them, and they have a 3k hole in their shed, they are going to lose money on...
I look at it this way... If you are new to bikes, and dont have a huge budget, yeah, a Nitrous might be (and by the sounds of it, not such a crappy bike after all FOR THE PRICE). If you are new to bikes, and money isn't so much of an object, then yeah, go to a PitPro or better still, a DHZ bike. If you are an existing rider, with cash to burn, and the skill to ride them, sure, go nuts, by the 3k bike....
at the end of the day, yeah you get what you pay for, but by the same token, buy what you need and what suits you. It may just be the case that riding skill, budget and "want", will mean a Nitrous will suit you.... It may also be the case that a PitsterPro LXR or full custom BBR/CRF will suit you best...
I think it has been well established which bikes are good, which are crap, which ones are clear winner for the money, and which are purely brilliant, regardless of cost... So us more senior members should be recommending bikes TO SUIT the purchaser, if those details can be provided.. and the bike we recommend might not always be the big dollar weapon... It's also possible that Atomik may have finally added a half decent bike to their line-up that isnt a Blitz or Kuda pro... It may not be a GREAT bike, may not be the BEST bike, but for the money, it might good bang for your buck... especially when people who actually own the Nitrous, are coming back with reasonable experiences and reviews...
I've got three atomiks... But they're not my "best" bikes... The custom DHZ 140 and the KTM copy-thing are....for the price, the atomiks are pretty reasonable bikes.. but i'd still recommend a DHZ if a buyer can justify the cost...
I will say however, Atomik still suck as far as reputable DEALERS go... With you on that one DreadyViking and Coolee... lol...
Rant over, here endeth the lesson. go forth and multiply. :D
amen to that thump.
Everything has to be looked at in relation to value for cost, unless you're a millionaire.
Atomik as a dealer, are probably questionable, all I'm looking at is the bike itself which is built to good standards, for 720 you could just buy it for the engine and dump the rest if it broke. thump has it spot on, the nitrous is a good bike FOR THE MONEY, no way in hell would I buy it for 1200, thats just the thing, but if you can get it for 700ish you can't go wrong. The motor itself is almost worth that much. Enough ranting anyway I just wanted to let people know there are options out there and people do improve their game, especially china, which is upping their quality at an astonishing rate, what was crap last year may not be so this year..

Seriously why spend 3k on a bush basher though? Different bikes for different people.
bag atomik as you may, if it weren't for them I probably wouldn't have gotten into pit bikes. To drop 700 on a first bike is one thing, 3k is a different story, and is probably more for second bike owners.
Even if I sold it a year later for 500, 200 bucks for a year of fun. who's complaining?
well sorry to all those that i am dissing but i think i am going to go for a ATOMIK NITROUS 140CC PIT DIRT BIKE MOTOR THUMPSTAR. Its in my price range, looks nice, has a few good reviews...seems like my type of bike. and as stated above, i can always add to it to make it better. depending on what sort of riding i end up doing. Once i get it i shall put up my review here and let u all know. make or break!
why not a 150 or 160? as far as I can tell the swingarms are different on the 140's moving up to the 150's.
about $200-$300 but yeah i was looking into them also. Just dunno whether that much money is worth the extra 10 -20 cc
yeah I suppose. Didn't think there was that much difference in price but it seems there is. If all the other parts are the same then get the 140, just not sure if they use poorer quality parts in the rest of the bike as well as the swingarm is different. If it's like my bike though you should be a happy man, for a while at least..
First up, i dont think MrBrnz is trying to state, or even convince anyone that the Nitrous is THE bike to have, nor is he stating it's the best pitty out there. I agree with pretty much everything that has been posted in here, but no one's seemed to find the point here..
Yes, you get what you pay for. But then, you always have the option of buying what you need, or what suits you, and what you need or what suits you, or what you can afford, is not always a PitsterPro Linkage LXR... If you're just a weekend noob to pittys, the Nitrous may well be a great bike for you. It seems the Nitrous is the Flagship for Atomik, and is going someway to improving their questionable bike line-up. Yes, Atomik are unscrupulous in their dealings, and offer nothing but cheap bikes to the industry, but for some people, particularly new riders with little money, or people looking to get into bikes, and cant justify dropping 3k on a PP LXR 160, the Nitrous may well be their best bet FOR THE MONEY. But that's the point. Yes there are better bikes out there, there are better stores out there, there are more reliable bikes out, there are cheaper bikes out there, and there are more expensive bikes out there. Look at it this way... Would you suggest an L-plater go out and buy a HSV Clubsport for his or her first car? No, you'd suggest they buy a cheap shitbox that isnt going to kill them, and may actually teach them something about vehicle maintenance. Same principal works for bikes... Why recommend a 3k bike for a noob, when they may decide pitbikes are not for them, and they have a 3k hole in their shed, they are going to lose money on...
I look at it this way... If you are new to bikes, and dont have a huge budget, yeah, a Nitrous might be (and by the sounds of it, not such a crappy bike after all FOR THE PRICE). If you are new to bikes, and money isn't so much of an object, then yeah, go to a PitPro or better still, a DHZ bike. If you are an existing rider, with cash to burn, and the skill to ride them, sure, go nuts, by the 3k bike....
at the end of the day, yeah you get what you pay for, but by the same token, buy what you need and what suits you. It may just be the case that riding skill, budget and "want", will mean a Nitrous will suit you.... It may also be the case that a PitsterPro LXR or full custom BBR/CRF will suit you best...
I think it has been well established which bikes are good, which are crap, which ones are clear winner for the money, and which are purely brilliant, regardless of cost... So us more senior members should be recommending bikes TO SUIT the purchaser, if those details can be provided.. and the bike we recommend might not always be the big dollar weapon... It's also possible that Atomik may have finally added a half decent bike to their line-up that isnt a Blitz or Kuda pro... It may not be a GREAT bike, may not be the BEST bike, but for the money, it might good bang for your buck... especially when people who actually own the Nitrous, are coming back with reasonable experiences and reviews...
I've got three atomiks... But they're not my "best" bikes... The custom DHZ 140 and the KTM copy-thing are....for the price, the atomiks are pretty reasonable bikes.. but i'd still recommend a DHZ if a buyer can justify the cost...
I will say however, Atomik still suck as far as reputable DEALERS go... With you on that one DreadyViking and Coolee... lol...
Rant over, here endeth the lesson. go forth and multiply. :D

Yep agree with most of that mate .... I also wouldn't steer a noob at a 3 grand ride
but would like to see crew spend that extra 2 or 3 hundred and buy from a REPUTABLE dealer you don't need to drop three grand but there are some half decent things for a grand .... because I see that extra few hundred as a good investment .... especially for a noob because even though some crew are mechanically minded most noobs who buy these couldn't tighten a spoke let check the valve clearance .... and I think we agree without a bit of love these fall apart so having somewhere to take it back to fix/upgrade it as your skill level increases can be invaluable to everyone not just a noob .... I just transplanted a 150 into my sr and Ken bent over backwards to help me get it right but you won't get that sort of service if you buy a fleabay special ....

so the cheaper bike the worse the after sales ??? even though it'll need way more??

Aftersales it's the first margin they cut to bang the price down,undercut everyone and sell by VOLUME . So I reckon there are more sub thousand dollar bikes fillin up sheds than 3 grand ones but that's neither here nor there .... my problem is that NOTHING goes back in at atomic .... I'm happy to part with a few hundred to support the my dealer and the scene and that way I know the sport and bikes will progress .... because that's the other margin they slash next ..... R&D, without which we'd still be on semi auto 90's and make no mistake if the new atomic is any good it's because they ripped the design off someone else cause they just don't do r&d ..... which means if we all saved a few hundred buying atomik they'd have no one to copy off.

It's not like we are talking about a few bikes here either, these guys have sold ten times more bikes than every one else put together and because NOTHING has been put back in I believe the sport and industry has suffered as a result ....... every time one of these is sold .... hundreds of thousands of dollars that could have gone BACK INTO the sport ..... to someone who cares about the sport.

Who knows we may have developed a decent tranny by now if the coin flowed into the right peoples hands .... I know a beautiful dream ... but ya never know

So yes I pay the few extra dollars the support the sport and buy from someone who eats breaths and sh@ts pitbikes .... that way I'm part of the solution not the problem.

And that's all I mean it's not about the bikes to me's the way they do business .... pumping out a zillion low grade bikes with little or no after sales service and little or no invovement or investment in the sport.

And yeah for ME that's enough to make sure I never buy a spark plug off em let alone a bike.

And again this is just MY opinion :cool:
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I wasn't steering him to fork out another $2300 for a bike I was steering him towards a bike that is a better bike(Questionable to some). Towards a company that puts so so much more back into pitbikes and the community then the dealers of Atomik, Lei and TDR. I'm the same with Dreadful, I'ld rather go to a company that puts back into the community then one that doesn't.

And it's not much money to spend to get better quality, after severces and a good feeling knowing that your contributing to the minibike scene rather then contributing to 1 mans retierment payment. It's not much to fork out $200 for that.

Every one to them selves though.
I'm not too familiar with the scene but I haven't seen any of the pit bike dealers running events or helping to open tracks so what is it that pisses everyone off about atomik? Is it because they're more successful than everyone else? They may not directly put back into the scene but they have helped it grow just by putting bikes out there.
I doubt most of these companies put in much r&d mate, most of them would just buy a stock china pit bike and brand it as their own and get the factory to customize it.
Just have a look closely and you'll see that 90% of the components are the same with small changes just brake levers and gear shifters and such,
I find it hard to justify putting out 1800 for a pitpro xr when the nitrous has all the same main parts and is over 1k cheaper, scene or no scene. Same swingarm, looks to be same frame also.
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I'm not too familiar with the scene but I haven't seen any of the pit bike dealers running events or helping to open tracks so what is it that pisses everyone off about atomik? Is it because they're more successful than everyone else? They may not directly put back into the scene but they have helped it grow just by putting bikes out there.
I doubt most of these companies put in much r&d mate, most of them would just buy a stock china pit bike and brand it as their own and get the factory to customize it.
Just have a look closely and you'll see that 90% of the components are the same with small changes just brake levers and gear shifters and such,
I find it hard to justify putting out 1800 for a pitpro xr when the nitrous has all the same main parts and is over 1k cheaper, scene or no scene. Same swingarm, looks to be same frame also.

No you are not famiar to the scene or you'd know they are .... see dirtmax cup for a recent example they also support freestyle .... and yes also they do r&d ...that's why they have freestyle and race teams to test bikes and things like suspension packages etc etc etc ... teamriders give feedback and the right decision is made and that's how the bikes improve .... simple but necessary.... in fact I've been present and posted pics of M.S.O r&d sessions in here and other members will vouch for that .... how about braaap ??? ... how can ya say they don't put in ??? opening tracks and demos al over the place .... ditto dirtmax and dhz .... if you were familar to the scene you'd know this to be true ,

and I disagree atomic have helped the scene buy volume selling low quality bikes at all in fact ..... really the fact they just take and don't give back makes me see them as a kind of cancer really ..... other dealers DO put back in atomik simpy don't

and yes that is what pisses me off .

and when you say

" Just have a look closely and you'll see that 90% of the components are the same "

I say no they are not .... Did you know that you can buy the same bike in 8 different build qualities from the same factory ??? the prices can range from 200 us to 800 us for the same LOOKING bike .... but it's not the same just looks the same ... the chinese are good at this different materials,build quality ,tolerances , retooling schedule etc etc etc they work in margins of half a cent over there ... so I disagree with that too.

All good though we'll just have to agree to disagree .:cool:
^^ x2 dready.

$1800??? your way off mate the 125cc pitpro is only $1000ish.

The only thing i see Atomik contributing too is dealing $h!t bikes and giving no help to those who have brought bikes off them thus making the buyer not wanting to buy another bike becuase they might think that all the other shops would be the same as Atomik (which some are not)and not help those in need of it. $h!t after service thats what it comes down to, that's way DHZ is so good, they help you if you need it, they don't just push you away after you buy the bike, they care for their customers un-like Atomik.

Some of the parts may look the same but could be/have better/werse build quialty.
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Hey Guys!

Just got back from the finish to a massive weekend of pitbike madness!

We closed down the main street here and had the whip ind guys doing back flips under lights! had bands! the red bull cars! rockstar chicks etc etc!

Was sick!

We had over 3500 PPL over the whole day!
Then Today we hired the whole Wells rd complex flew in our coach and held a sick day of coaching and education on and off bike!

Ill have stacks mor einfo online on what we are doing, just re launching our website ATM so a few weeks Ill let you guys know of our plans to get braaap club pumping Aus wide and have race events more often! As we have done in Tas and now starting in Vic!

sorry I suck at replying on forums so if ya have any Qs Pls email me [email protected]!

lets work together and get this sport absolutely pumping!


Brad Smith
yeah braap I've seen help the scene. dirtmax = yx? yx which supplies most pitbike engines indirectly contributes I guess. I'd hate to be blunt but maybe a lot of people don't give a crap about the "scene" and just want a bike for their kids to ride in the paddock.
As for parts being the same, yes I know the difference between when parts LOOK the same , and when they're made out of the same materials and have the same tooling marks on them.. china doens't do copies that good.. In the end really it's up to the buyer, just wanted to save people some money? In the end as long as you're happy with your bike thats all that matters. I haven't looked into all the other ******** I just know the bike I have works and if someone else got the same bike for the same price for the same needs I do, they'd be happy with it. I haven't taken into consideration company ethics or all that other stuff. The OP asked for a bike to fulfill his needs and that was what was recommended, maybe he doesn't want to add $200 just go back into the "scene" that he'll never be a part of. I'm not being argumentative I just wanted to understand all this animosity towards atomik which I didn't get much because the bike I have really couldn't be classed as "****" Thanks for the enlightenment. It just seemed like they copped the brunt of it when there are alot of other companies which are the same as them, or WOULD be the same if they COULD.
They probably are unscrupulous as on closer look they sell the motox which looks the same as my mates Lei, that bike just looks dangerous, especially for someone without mechanical skills like him, when he came over I seriously had to go over the whole bike and fix heaps of stuff which left alone would have hurt him sooner or later. Thing is I haven't come across any of that on the nitrous which is why I can recommend it, please note i'm recommending the BIKE at the PRICE it's sold at, not the company. If it was 1k I would probably get the dhz based on reports alone.
I've heard of atomik sending people new engines when the casings crack? Is this not true? That was one of the things that made me buy off them, also the fact that I live in southeast melbourne and they're in dandenong which made for an easy pickup. There are many factors to buying a bike, weigh up the FACTs and then make your decision, not propaganda. Cheers fellas :)
I can see things from both points of view ...

Most people who are just getting interested in pit bikes are unsure of if they'll like going riding or not ... and a BIG part of that is the lack of easy to get to legal places to ride ... So they're unwilling to make a big investment and lose out big time when they go to sell their bike ...

I compare pit bikes to babies nappies or shavers ... there are those people who want real nappies and don't mind all the washing etc that goes with 'em ... and those who are happy with cheap disposables ... and there are those people who want a $300 electric shaver ... and those who are happy with cheap plastic throw aways ... Both scenarios achieve the same result ...

One problem with cheap bikes is that every Tom , Dick and Harry (and their dog) ... buys them and since they are cheap they mistreat them and ride them all over the place because they haven't got much to lose if they get busted and their ride gets crushed ... Like throw away razors , nappies , shopping bags etc ... they end up as waste ... sometimes polluting the planet ...

All people who sell bikes should be actively working on getting legal places to ride up and running ... If people who bought cheap bikes off them are irresponsible and causing problems riding in illegal areas and making noise ... then THAT does adversely affect not only the pit bike "scene" ... but the offroad motorcycling scene in general ... We're unlikely to be taken seriously if hoons on cheap throw away bikes are running rampant everywhere ... IF the general public doesn't like something ... then it stands NO chance of accepting legal riding places locally ...

Legitimate race track only Drag racers had a similar problem for years ... The press and the public associated street racers and hoons (aka ******s) with being "Drag racers" ... and that caused a ton of problems for the real McCoys trying to be heard by the government in their requests for legal tracks to be built ... It STILL does cause problems because some spectators think they're drag racers when they head home after a meeting ... driving like idiots and crashing ... So as a result ... proposals to build legit tracks meet stiff opposition from local residents , home owners , councils , the government etc etc ...

IF the sellers of Atomic bikes aren't actively involved in getting legal places to ride up and running ... then Dready is right ... they're just leaching off the "scene" in general ...

Cheap throw away items might be great for people who don't have much money ... but the facts are that they are usually irresponsible in using them ... and disposing of them ... Look at the damage plastic shopping bags are doing ... then there's junkies used syringes ... LOL ...
I agree, dealers should put back and help get tracks built, it would even help their business, they would probably make more money, both through advertising and by new people inspired to buy bikes after a track is built. It just seems like some of the people recommending a specific brand of bike have a hidden agenda.