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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2007
Reaction score
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So you would've noticed the 2 coloured bars under everyones user name and probably wondered what its all about so heres a basic rundown of what it is and how it works:

Its basically a rep system that scores you on everything you do on this site. More features will be added as we go so we will keep you up to date with them as they happen.

Calculation of the score

Taken into calculation are the following things. Each one will add a certain amount of points to your total score each time:

  • - Created threads
  • - Thread views of own threads
  • - Thread replies of own threads
  • - Thread votes of own threads
  • - Thread tags
  • - Replies to own threads
  • - Sticky threads
  • - Socialgroup Discussions (Discussions, Posts)
  • - Created posts
  • - Views on attachments

  • - Days since registration
  • - Average posts per Day (for users who are on forum for at least seven days)
  • - Referrals
  • - Received infractions
  • - Reputation / Use of reputation system
  • - Visitor messages on profiles
  • - Members of own social groups
  • - Albumpictures
  • - Friends
  • - Completing Profile

  • - Calendar entries

All stats and details can be found here: Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum - Statistics

Member Rankings: Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum - Ranking

Awards (more awards will be added soon): Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum - Awards

How to earn points: Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum - Earn Points

Give us some feedback and tell us what you think.

Please ignore the ad below as I didn't put it there and I don't recommend whatever it is.
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Pretty cool I reckon.

However seems it can be exploited easily. For Example I could go make 100 threads about nothing and spam em just to earn more points...So it has the potential to clutter the site. But I'm sure no one here is that sort of ****** :p

I like!
Pretty cool I reckon.

However seems it can be exploited easily. For Example I could go make 100 threads about nothing and spam em just to earn more points...So it has the potential to clutter the site. But I'm sure no one here is that sort of ****** :p

I like!

mods would probs just ban them or delete the threads or poinless posts...OR we all neg rep them :D haha
Yeah seems pretty good. I like also:)
Pretty cool I reckon.

However seems it can be exploited easily. For Example I could go make 100 threads about nothing and spam em just to earn more points...So it has the potential to clutter the site. But I'm sure no one here is that sort of ****** :p

I like!

Actually that wont really work firstly because of the reasons Pbk mentioned and secondly it will automatically -rep you and deduct points for things like double posting. If people start trying things like that we can heavily increase the number of points deducted each time and it wont be long before their in the red.

for some reason it wont let me start a new thread...

Where are you trying to start the thread? I dont think it has anything to do with the MRexperience.


what does each bar mean?

Put your curser over it and it will tell you or you can click on the user name to show more details.

Can anyone tell me why my little box is red??

Your box is red because someone gave you a -rep for something you did or said somewhere on here.
Orange bar is amount of Points and your Level.
Green bar is your Activity on the site as a percentage.

Dunno what else I can say. I_THUMP is the man to ask for more detail
ok, cheers mate, that helps :)
so you have 460 posts and I have 511 but you have a higher points/level.
so obviously its taken into consideration the other factors or something and you've come out ontop.
is that right?
Orange bar is amount of Points and your Level.
Green bar is your Activity on the site as a percentage.

Thats it

ok, cheers mate, that helps :)
so you have 460 posts and I have 511 but you have a higher points/level.
so obviously its taken into consideration the other factors or something and you've come out ontop.
is that right?

Red = total points
Blue = How far away you are from moving up to the next level
Green = Time spent logged in

Once its all set up all your stats will be displayed in your profile page detailing what points you received which will look something like this.

Profile page

How do you give positive or negative rep to someone?
I always thought the green bar meant the amount of posts :/

Click on
at the top right hand corner of the post you want to rep. I approve = +rep, I disapprove = -rep
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Ok so found a quick little thing. Click the little paper and star icon next to your username in a post to view more. You can also check your ranking, etc.

To add rep you click the little icon on the right side next to (permalink), its like a little star medal.
Try it on me :p

If your not sure hover the mouse over for a bit and it will most likely tell you what it is.
Here ya go, you can go to your profile and see all your details under the experience title. You have to click the little arrow to scroll right to get to it first.

how do I find out what the -rep was for and who by??

Your box is red because someone gave you a -rep for something you did or said somewhere on here.[/QUOTE]
Click 'User CP' right above your display picture on the top left hand side of the page.

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