Miniriders Legend and Master Spanner Spinning Mode
yeah decent brand vice grips will get them, don't let them slip

dhz has some.. not sure what there equivalent toanyone no were to get some jets for the oko's? dhz dont have the ones i need in stock, and ch50's didnt have anything either.... pretty sure the 96 main i have in the carb atm is to big, just doesnt seem to make any power or like to rev out. Good enough for him to ride today, but he wont be happy with its performance if i cant sort the carb out... pilot is good no hesitation, runs best with the a/f screw all the way in so i figure maybe a 92 main?
PARTS AND ACCESSORIES - OKO Motorcycle Parts and Accessoriesah yes, i would do that if i hadnt just snapped the idle screw off level with the carb, with it screwed all the way inim buying the 21mm pwk from motorman, and i will try source a new idle screw and slap this one on the gpx for my sis on law