Hey tommy
Just wondering what you used to polish your engine case (the right side), im polishing my whole engine, i bought Autosol metal polish, just thinking wha is the best way to apply it, i used a micro fibre cloth.
PS: Cant wait for my Elka
Cheers Jono
Well heres how I went along to Polish my Clutch Cover up...
1. Remove the Clutch Cover off the Bike
2. Sprayed Paint Stripper (you can get it in a spray can) and coated the painted surface up...did this a few times until the Metallic Paint comes off and you can see only bare metal
3. Give it a quick hose down to get rid of any excess paint stripper and paint
4. Sanded the Bare Metal right back starting at 400 Grade Wet and Dry Sandpaper, then to 800, 1200 and finishing it off with 1400 to smoothen any scratches out etc.
5. Bought this Josco Plishing Kit:
Josco* |* Polishing Kit And followed the Instructions on the Packet until it came nice and polished mirror looking finishing
6. Gave it another good clean to get rid of any wax from the Josco Kit
7. Finishing up with using the Autosol Metal Polish which comes in a tube
Thats about it!
But doing this can take a fair few hours and you have to be Real Patient in doing it, otherwise the end result wont look as good.
I think it took me about a good 8hrs or so to get it looking like a mirror haha but even that wasnt the best job! Another couple of hours would have helped but by that time I was getting pretty over it. So yeah after reading that and your still Keen on Polishing... "Go For It!"
Without using the Wet and Dry Sandpaper and Josco Polishing Kit the end result wont compare to just using metal polish...if your going to do it, do it properly!
Also after time obviously the Clutch Cover will scuff up so you have to hit it up with the Autosol Metal Polish, best off getting it on after every wash!
That about sums it up
Haha yeah I bet man! Sorry about the Delay with the Elka though...