Yea was a good day as we all kno the dust was an issue that was ongoing all day, water truck was ment to be there by 1030 and never showed up! Unlucky on that one. The day was mega full of Motos doing 6 Motos per class. 12" A/B had to under go a grooling basically 3 qualifing heats to get the A/B class sorted!!! I was like WTF dude now we have to do another 3 Motos!
I raced my new gpx125 10" X2R in both 10" open and 12" open and made the pass to A grade class for the last 3 finals which to me was a win win! Mixing it up with the big fellas on big bores was Awsome. Me and kosta crashed hard causing a red flag and a re start was great hahaha mega sore quad from it though but adrenalin was high and I punched on with felt like a lifetime of heats for me.
Reefy brad and robbie knee were well up there in 12 A final Reefy pulling out aswell as Eddie Ciniworx as the finals were heating up they didn't want to push to hard to effect there racing on big bikes today, fair enough I say. Let's not forget the "beans show and shine" event hahaha man those bikes in the flesh are amazing!!! Really nice bikes well maintened and went like the clappers, bean beating me into the 1st corner 5/6 times in 10" open class his bike just had that extra punch to get there! Well done to bean, Alec, Byron and jase coming down was good to put face to the names.. Good bunch of blokes may I say jases little rocket by geez had some legs on it, duno what was in it but was moving at a fast pace.
Results went like this
10" OPEN.
1: Styvan
2: brad smith
3: bean flew
12" A OPEN
1: brad smith
2: robbie knee
3: Jack simpson under 19 ktm sponsored rider on a stock klx lol
Think I managed to pinch 4/5 in A class
12" B OPEN
1: some bloke?
2: Phil on debut
3: some bloke lol
Results were varied as people dropped out in final 3 rounds due to other racing etc
Great day racing happy my bike didn't blow up recommend the gpx125 if anyones looking for a good 125 at $400 a pop I couldn't go past it and I have mine hell yesterday and I think anyone can vouch for it.
Brooksy pulling swapper of ye day LOL well done mate obviously earnt it hahah.
Thanks buzz bikes for getting all the parts and stuff ready for me to race this event much appreciated guys

VCM in 2 weeks it's a mad scramble for me as I don't have a missiles going but I'll put in the yards to get her done