Track building 1.01

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Little Brucey

Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2007
Reaction score
Central Coast NSW
Just wonderig if anyone knows of any stuff on track builing?
ive done searches and found bits and pieces on various sites. But i was sorta looking for a full tutorial style with pics, angles and techniques to building the track. any help appreciated.
theres been a bit on this before try searching the site, from memory you pile the dirt and the angle that it piles at is about the perfect angle for a jump then all you have to do is work out how long due to how fast you will hit it, just start building and do what ever looks good or what your comfy with, and go bigger from there
i built a little jump on the w/e. its fair fun. nothing serious tho. ive only been riding for about 3 weeks. i didnt think riding would be so easy to pick up. i thought i wouldnt be doing little jumps for at least a couple months. still a long long long way off being able to say "yeah i can ride" but im working on it. spent a good 2 hours on the track this arvo just riding in berms and hitting the baby jump. im pretty hooked on riding. do you boys ride through puddles and heaps of mud on your bikes cause im nervous to cause of my foam air filter and the electricals on my bike look pretty exposed...
Build your corners before the jumps. That will give you a better idea on where the jumps should be.


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