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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2008
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Seville, Vic
Hey guys just thought id throw a couple of pics of my trailer up that im building. Its slowly gettin there, re welding some new jerry can holders on it tonight as i only had a 10 L jerry can the first time and thought a 20 liter jerry was just taller but nooo it had to be a couple of mm bigger so i couldnt fit a 20L can in there :( so i made up some new ones that fit 20 s. Going to get a tool box and bolt it or weld it to the front of the trailer, need to get a spare tyre for it and find somewhere to put it, i was thinkin of putting it under the triler near the axle so it has less chance of scraping, anyone got a trailer with the spare in this sorta spot? Gotta make up a new ramp as well and make some sort of a slider for it so i can put it underneath, anyone got any suggestions on how to do it or have a trailer with that?

then its jus some mesh the put between the tracks so i can walk on it and a spray, gonna go black.

Anyone got any suggestions on anything else the trailer could use? chuck up some pics of ya trailers to so poeple can see what they are like and get ideas on how to build one



Jerry can holders go here


New jerry can holders

also how do you attach ur ramps when loading bikes on? mainly big bikes cause i drilled a hole in the back of the track as yu can see in the pics, and the ramp has a pin on it that goes into the hole, only prob is on the outside tracks when a big bike is put on the rear tyre sits on the pin and the back tyre has to be lifted to get it out
be careful putting your tool box on the A-frame,
last thing you want is to jack knife becasue your tool box is way too big on your A-frame
if that makes sense at all haha

looks really good though mate
Chevrolet omega specifications
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yeah, gonna try and find one that is a deep one but not too wide, was even thinkin of makin a tool box that is the shape of tha a frame, havent given it a whole heap of thought though
nice work ,a good coat of paint and your ready to rego

i thought a good spot for a spare would be under the back or the trailer ,near the axel a simple bolt with a steal bar welded to the underside to hold tire up and to cross braces welded to trailer to wind the tire up to

looks cool
ok well jerry can holders are on and found me a smallish toolbox for up the front bout 40 cm wide by about 20 cm and 35 high, welded up a bracket to sit it on on the a frame just gota paint the box and drill some holes to bolt it down, only sticks out 5 cm up the front of the a frame, so aint gonna hit the car. also put a bracket on for jockey wheel :D
sort out that ramp and pin issue? try a bit of 10mm bar across the end of the track, and the same on the bottom of the ramp at the end? better to try and hook the ramp so it ends up flush though, so maybe a bit of heavy angle iron welded across the back? youll get what i mean if you think about it:)

otherwise, good job:)

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