Troublshooting....need some help!

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Active Member
May 29, 2007
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Background: About 2years ago I went and saw some bikes at Powercycle Australia in Bayswater Melbourne and bought a half stripped project pitbike which included engine(didnt know condition, but guy said it worked), front wheel, frame, swingarm, front suspension, fairings and a shattered rear suspension. At the end of 2007 i regained interest into building this bike and have come a long way seeing as i have no motorbike experience what so ever. I know that this bike is a piece of $h!t, but I have done the build for the experience & will hopefully get right into the hobby after year12!
Well its time to get some help.
I have come close to the end of my project but am having problems starting the engine! :(
I know that i am getting compression because you can hear it but ther does not seem to be any spark! i have tried the trick of taking out the sparkplug & grounding it to the engine while kicking it but there are no sparks!
I have a 'Loncin' 125cc engine with a 26mm Mikuni carby. All electrics are brand new except for wires coming out of the engine.
There are two sets of wires and im sure that the wires circled in red (in pictures below) are electric start but i am not using these. The wires circled in the green have been connected correctly through so im not sure why its not starting!?? :confused:
I also have two wires left over that do not seem to connect to anything in the loom, these are coloured 'yellow and white'. does anybody know what these are and if they make a difference???
If anybody knows what the gear set up is '1N234' or 'N1234' for these engines, cause this makes a difference on whether or not it starts i believe???
Also what settings I should do for the carby??? (ask much info as possible please)
Any help and ideas that you guys could provide would be greatly appreciated as I would love to finish this off before getting stuck right into an overpowering school year!!
Thans alot guys

out of another topic that is similar but answers the wiring question:

I also have two wires left over that do not seem to connect to anything in the loom, these are coloured 'yellow and white'. does anybody know what these are and if they make a difference???


Yellow is lights, white is neutral indicator. But in your case one of the yellows will be "N" and the other will be lights


Also what settings I should do for the carby??? (ask much info as possible please)
Ahk thanx for that, i have all the wiring in the correct places thats for sure, as i used this wiring diagram from the beginning. Thanks alot for working out what the extra wires are! Few more questions that i need answered.
1. Has anybody owned a Loncin 125cc if so what is the gears configuration?

ok, no spark u say.

what i can think of is

a) Ground , have you got a ground wire , if so is it grounded properly ( check between that wire and ground with a mulitmeter.

b) Wiring , again check for crap connections , as you have said you have swapped out many electrical parts , but if you aint getting the signal you wont get a spark.

c) Has the magneto got all the magnets or still got magnetism ? although this sounds dumb it could be the result of no power coming out of the motor.

d)last but not least :p do you have your key switch or switch on ?

a) i have grounded the coil pack to the frame, and even scraped back the paint to make sure ther was a good connection.
b) all wiring is brand new and is connected correctly except for that coming out of engine!
c)has magnetism, but not sure where to look for "4 shoe segments":confused:
d)the bike did come with a barrel for a key, but no key. i took off the barrel as i figured it wouldnt b necessary, as i dont have electric start, is my thinking correct??
Any help would be great guys!
with the barrel did you then 'hotwire' the barrel wires so it was always on...!? could be a case of its just switched off...
u dont actually have to "hot wire" the barrel wires
when u say u checked for spark against the engine was it on 1 of the bolts or on the actual engine casting
if u r just trying to earth the plug against the head u will not get spark
i suggest touching it against ur exhaust
i would cut ur kill switch wires off and try then
i have seen moisture build up in the killswitch stop a bike from starting
oh and also ur gear pattern is 1n234 irregardless of pattern it will get spark
lol also noticed
in that first picture if that is ur motor it is not actually a loncin it is a lifan
ur serial number is 1p54fmi (lifan serial number)
is the clutch arm on your motor on the top of the case or the front?
now i have also realised in the second picture i spy in the top left corner a hi rev cdi
are these actual pictures of ur bike let me know and i can provide further insight into ur problems
thanks so much 'ducar.r.spec' and 'foolsp33d' for that info
when u say u checked for spark against the engine was it on 1 of the bolts or on the actual engine casting
if u r just trying to earth the plug against the head u will not get spark
i suggest touching it against ur exhaust
yeh was doing it against the head, will try on exhaust wen get home tonight!
is the clutch arm on your motor on the top of the case or the front?
clutch arm is at the front! thanks for gears configuration!
now i have also realised in the second picture i spy in the top left corner a hi rev cdi
are these actual pictures of ur bike let me know and i can provide further insight into ur problems
yes these are pictures of my bike, if you need any others to help with the troublshooting let me know and I will take them tonight.

Also if anybody knows what the wires "circled in red in pictures above" are, I would be interested to know.

Some extra info that may help: When i bought the bike, the bike only came with wires coming out of engine and a key barrel, neither of which were connected to anything. No kill switch, wiring loom, or cdi unit. I have sourced these parts and installed, but there was no where on my wiring loom for key barrel.
I am pretty sure that this bike may have been previously used with electric start, but i am not going for this option!
Thanks again for all your help greatly appreciated
those wires circled in red are for a nuetral light(cut them off at the motor)
they are uslesless lol
goodluck with your spark testing
let me know
ok well spark testing did not work, and tried without the kill switch connected but no sparks :confused: :confused: tried grounding it on exhaust, front suspension and forks clamp.
put a screw driver and some nuts and bolts on magneto but does not seem to be magnetised?? :confused: i remember that it used to be wen it was just sitting on my workbench so not sure whats happened ther! is it even supposed to be magnetised? lol soz im kinda a newbie, first bike and all
hope that helps thanx alot
what is your ground like??
when i say ground i mean there should be a green eath wire earthed to the frame or plugged into the coil
could u plz get me some pics of the coil as it site on the bike
Your magnito (flywheel) should be magnatized.. if its not you will have no power therefore no spark. It can become demagnaized if it has been dropped or hit with a hammer or similar. Might pay to get a loan of another to check that it is not the cause of your problem
could u plz get me some pics of the coil as it sits on the bike

here is a pik of the barrel that i took off, seeing as it didnt even connect into anything in the wiring loom i purchased.

just noticed this last night as well.
The wires to the kill switch do not match up? :eek: this would not have anything to do with bike starting or not cause i disconnected the kill switch while running tests for spark. is this the way it should be though?? lol i dont think so myself.

Also are there any ways of finding out whether ur magneto is working????
Sorry about the size of the pictures, couldnt get them to become smaller, tried in PhotoSHop and on Photobucket!
Thanx guys
maybe if u could take it to a bike shop and get a quote
that way u will find out what is wrong
then u can come back and tell us and we will tell u how to fix it
ok guys so i havnt really made an improvement at this stage, but i have realised something. When i put a screw driver on the outside of the magneto, the 'gold section' it dosnt really get mangetically attracted to it, although i remember that when i first got the '2nd hand' engine it did (i think). when u put the screw driver inside the magneto, (2 semicircle gaps) it imediately gets attracted to it. im just wondering if this means that there is not enough magnetism becuase u can not feel it from outside the gold magneto case. im thinking of just buying a spare magneto and swaping it over. this sound like a good idea???
also if anybody can tell me, when they take there magneto cover off, is (the gold) magneto case magnetic????
thanks alot guys any help is appreciated!
mate u need too check that ur coil pack is mounted with a good earth where you bolt that too the frame is actually your ground circuit for the pack.

next you need too pull off your flywheel and check your resistances in ohms n your multimeter on ur coils i forget wot 1 is wat but 1 should hav 370ohms and the other should have im pretty sure its 170ohms

get back too me mate and see how ya go if your resistances are not rite even if 1 coil is out through it away and buy new magneto oil set dude let me know how this goes

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