Ok, i know this is the wrong section I-Thump, it aint a review, it's a build thread... i'll edit and move when the time comes, and i find somewhere useful to stick it.... 
For awhile now i've been wanting to build me a mini for belting about the bush... as a few of you have probably heard, me and Hillz have been scouring Egay for an AGB29 on the cheap... so far without any luck...
I wanted a bike like the AGB29 for two reasons... frame geometry and wheelbase, and build strength... most of you are aware of my 140 "poofy yellow bling bike"... awesome fun to ride, scary fast top end, and a brutal power delivery... it's also twitchy as an Emo kid at a bikie bash.... Given i dont jump it much, and spend most of my time on it belting through the scrub, or fast flowing firetrails, a twitchy, tall mid-size CRF style bike isnt what i want... So the time has come, the walrus said, to retire the 140, tidy it up, and hang it behind my bar... awesome talking point, and heaps better than a Tooheys New barmat....
I never did a full build thread on my 140 sadly, and the Blitz thread is more of a review, and how to fix a Blitz and make it better... so this one is more of a dedicated build thread, from ebay purchase, to the finished project... and will no doubt be full of rubbish, my dribble, and Hillz flaming me for building a "MiniBlitz"...
So i found this on ebay the other day.... and it got my attention... I have no idea what brand it is, who makes it (mikilon at a guess) or even the model designation...
BUT... it looks to me suspiciously like someone threw an atomik blitz or kuda pro in the drier, and threw some shrinkie KTM plastics on it... As far as i can tell from the pics, it utilises basically scaled down Blitz parts... that being the case, i have confidence in the frame strength for it's intended purpose, and the rest of the stuff, i know what i'm dealing with...
So here's the plan... assemble the thing and set up properly, test it out, evaluate it, do a review and make it available for other members to test ride STOCK on the SA ride day... get a bit of feedback, then go nuts on it... to a point...
Turf the 125 generator motor, and for the transplant, i'm going a bit different... instead of doing the usual 155z crate motor, then wondering if i'm going to have case issues, gearbox issues etc etc, i'm going with a Lifan 150... Yes, i know they have kickstart issues. Yes, i know there arent many mod parts available... Dont care... building something different, and where this one will differ, is the initial set up of the motor... I'm going the same route i did with the 140... Cam, IRK, OKO, Hydraulic clutch, ported head, port-matching the manifolds etc etc... I'll also tear down the motor and give it a thorough going over with the dremel, taking off all casting marks, any imperfections i can find, tidy the dags, then reassemble... It's worked with the 140, and i've not had a single problem either with reliability, performance, or kickstarts!!!!!! being a bigfoot (17/14 tyre combination), high speed stability should be good, and it'll be geared similar to my 140... i'm looking for top speeds in excess of 120... if i can do it on a 12'' rear'd 140 midsize, i'm looking forward to seeing terminal velocity of something bigger, more stable, with more motor under it...
yes there are quicker motors out there, but hey, if i went the same route everyone else did, where's the fun in that... standing out from the crowd for all the wrong reasons, is half the fun in building a polished turd...
I'm really looking forward to being one of the first owners of this style of bike, and will be doing a "normal" review on it as well... A few of the "big bike" features are already setting me up for a win... Long wheelbase, raked out geometry, nice flat swingarm angles, Staintune-style muffler, as opposed to the usual minibike muffler fare etc etc, will all help in making this bike, the stable high speed weapon i tried to make the 140 into...
Anyway most people will have stopped reading by now, so here's some pics to get your attention....
So what do you all think? i'm open to ideas and suggestions... I've outlayed the platform of the bike, i'd like to hear ideas and opinions, without the usual "It's china, it will be ****, you wont get it to go fast"...
If you've read the Blitz thread, then you know a polished turd, can be a fast turd indeed...
For awhile now i've been wanting to build me a mini for belting about the bush... as a few of you have probably heard, me and Hillz have been scouring Egay for an AGB29 on the cheap... so far without any luck...
I wanted a bike like the AGB29 for two reasons... frame geometry and wheelbase, and build strength... most of you are aware of my 140 "poofy yellow bling bike"... awesome fun to ride, scary fast top end, and a brutal power delivery... it's also twitchy as an Emo kid at a bikie bash.... Given i dont jump it much, and spend most of my time on it belting through the scrub, or fast flowing firetrails, a twitchy, tall mid-size CRF style bike isnt what i want... So the time has come, the walrus said, to retire the 140, tidy it up, and hang it behind my bar... awesome talking point, and heaps better than a Tooheys New barmat....
I never did a full build thread on my 140 sadly, and the Blitz thread is more of a review, and how to fix a Blitz and make it better... so this one is more of a dedicated build thread, from ebay purchase, to the finished project... and will no doubt be full of rubbish, my dribble, and Hillz flaming me for building a "MiniBlitz"...
So i found this on ebay the other day.... and it got my attention... I have no idea what brand it is, who makes it (mikilon at a guess) or even the model designation...
BUT... it looks to me suspiciously like someone threw an atomik blitz or kuda pro in the drier, and threw some shrinkie KTM plastics on it... As far as i can tell from the pics, it utilises basically scaled down Blitz parts... that being the case, i have confidence in the frame strength for it's intended purpose, and the rest of the stuff, i know what i'm dealing with...
So here's the plan... assemble the thing and set up properly, test it out, evaluate it, do a review and make it available for other members to test ride STOCK on the SA ride day... get a bit of feedback, then go nuts on it... to a point...
Turf the 125 generator motor, and for the transplant, i'm going a bit different... instead of doing the usual 155z crate motor, then wondering if i'm going to have case issues, gearbox issues etc etc, i'm going with a Lifan 150... Yes, i know they have kickstart issues. Yes, i know there arent many mod parts available... Dont care... building something different, and where this one will differ, is the initial set up of the motor... I'm going the same route i did with the 140... Cam, IRK, OKO, Hydraulic clutch, ported head, port-matching the manifolds etc etc... I'll also tear down the motor and give it a thorough going over with the dremel, taking off all casting marks, any imperfections i can find, tidy the dags, then reassemble... It's worked with the 140, and i've not had a single problem either with reliability, performance, or kickstarts!!!!!! being a bigfoot (17/14 tyre combination), high speed stability should be good, and it'll be geared similar to my 140... i'm looking for top speeds in excess of 120... if i can do it on a 12'' rear'd 140 midsize, i'm looking forward to seeing terminal velocity of something bigger, more stable, with more motor under it...
yes there are quicker motors out there, but hey, if i went the same route everyone else did, where's the fun in that... standing out from the crowd for all the wrong reasons, is half the fun in building a polished turd...
I'm really looking forward to being one of the first owners of this style of bike, and will be doing a "normal" review on it as well... A few of the "big bike" features are already setting me up for a win... Long wheelbase, raked out geometry, nice flat swingarm angles, Staintune-style muffler, as opposed to the usual minibike muffler fare etc etc, will all help in making this bike, the stable high speed weapon i tried to make the 140 into...
Anyway most people will have stopped reading by now, so here's some pics to get your attention....
So what do you all think? i'm open to ideas and suggestions... I've outlayed the platform of the bike, i'd like to hear ideas and opinions, without the usual "It's china, it will be ****, you wont get it to go fast"...
If you've read the Blitz thread, then you know a polished turd, can be a fast turd indeed...