Update on Thump140s revmx

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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2009
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Hey guys

Just thought i would post up a few pics and information about thump140s revolution mx

This was the first ever one made sent out to Tom by Russ before they were put on the market.

I am very lucky to now own this beast.

after riding a klx style mini for so long, jumping on this was just awesome, it handles great and the power, just blew me away. it started off as a 155z but as you can imagine, tom put a 175z straight in there =)

all i have done is change a few lines, grips, air filter and plastics.. (the stock white plastics with the original "vertmax" are safely sitting on the shed wall )

few things that need fixing, front brakes dont work, pots dont move=( and the rear wheel is buckled..







^^^ MagikSC kits, they are from the US but they do awesome awesome kits! Great price and plesaure to deal with, check their website here man:

Great job, REp the 140!

Can't you read or do you just look at the pretty pictures?? haha ;)

It's a 175. Looks awesome Sneezy. Should bring it over and come race a round of VCM!!

Tom would be happy as seeing it out getting a working. Put a smile on my face.
Can't you read or do you just look at the pretty pictures?? haha ;)

It's a 175. Looks awesome Sneezy. Should bring it over and come race a round of VCM!!

Tom would be happy as seeing it out getting a working. Put a smile on my face.

was reff to the numbers on the bike :grinning-smiley-003
Motorman got owned lol yeah 140 was his number.

Although I'm very happy with the look etc. I think the best part of the bike is the bar pad "designed by minirider enthusiasts" perfectly put if you ask me :)
bit of an update, if any one cares lol

i have just stock crappy black hubs now, the billet ones cracked believe it or not..

still have the magik sc customs kit on, i had a custom kit by hole **** hero but i took that off for now as im undecided what to use lol..

nothing else new really. lol
Thump140 build still happening, congrats sneezy and we always care dude.
the rev mx has seen better days now.

front suspension is shagged, handle bars are bemt, front tripple clamp bearing have seazed so front end doesnt move, bent wheels. =( poor thing has seen better days.
the rev mx has seen better days now.

front suspension is shagged, handle bars are bemt, front tripple clamp bearing have seazed so front end doesnt move, bent wheels. =( poor thing has seen better days.

Come on Sneezy they are the kind of things Tom taught you to fix!! lol ;)

Sounds like she just needs a bit of TLC and will be back on track in no time.
Yeah deff needs some tlc lol. Sucks working long shifts at work. Plus built a house a whole ago and sooooooouch to do around house lol bike will be up and running soon. Then will get some videos of my track :)
Awesome mate, good stuff, im hearing ya bout life being hectic. Bring on the vids.
Got a picture of where the bike is up to now/ How shagged it is?
wow only just seen this reply lol

ill put some pics up soon.

bike has no rear brakes, rear shock and front shocks are shagged, handle bar clamps are worn and bars move around.

needs a lot of work =(

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