upgrading a chinese worth it?

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Active Member
Feb 10, 2007
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hey guys, just got my first 50 after years of wanting one

i was wondering is it worth me upgrading my chinese import or just saving for a better, bigger pit bike

if i upgrade it i hope to eventually swap out pretty much everything(cept for wheels,brakes,plastics) starting with:
iridium spark plug
heavy duty peg mounts
and a strait kick start (for some stupid reason the stock one is bent out so it attacks your ankle)
and maybe tall seat foam

i would then get:
tyres when worn out
frame when broken
suspension when there's a good deal or mine crap out
either an irk and 88cc big bore kit or a new engine when it ***** itself

also what should be my first engine mod to do (as in what gives me the most bang for buck)
hi mate, what sort of bike do you have? pics would be sweet, but yea we'll start with that, then we should be able to help ya out a bit more.
here you are


the first thing I would do would be to fit a decent air filter like a uni, those paper filters can let to much dirt in and block up to easy. the other thing I would do is put some decent oil in it, use a good quality mineral oil to run it in on

the first thing I would do would be to fit a decent air filter like a uni, those paper filters can let to much dirt in and block up to easy. the other thing I would do is put some decent oil in it, use a good quality mineral oil to run it in on


any sort of special measurements i need for the filter?

also i plan on running some good oil once it needs to be changed next(1hrs riding)

thanks, any sugestions appreciated
hey mate ive got a dhz 140 and i love it but im buying a little atomik motox 50cc soon its just a crf50 copy the one im getting but i want a little beast like your to ride in my backyard and maybe try abit of stunting

i dont think it would be a waste of time modding that little beast mate would be awsome with a couple mods

pro taper bar kit or five-0 etc etc
new rear shock (i shock)
new graphics
some half decent forks
and a tall seat and would be a little beast and then if you do get a crf50 or anything like that all the parts u will be able to put onto it aswell cause they will fit most kind of bikes

just my 2c mate good luck
^^ yea thats what i want to do

every sees it and thinks a toy, but i wanna kit it out and show them a thing or 2

is it possible to reuse the stock throttle as i've read you must replace it with new bars
no special requirements for the fillter just make sure you get the right size for the carb. Personaly I like uni fiters for the dirt and K&N for the road. I would change the oil sooner rather than later mostly because the oil that comes in many china bikes is rubish, the main thing for most motors survival is good supply of good oil and clean air. So this meens clean air filter regulaly and keep good quality oil in it and make sure the oil level is at the upper end rather than at the lower end and if in doubt of how the oil is change it

You dont need a bar kit, Just a set of tapers cost ya 80 bucks, depending on the different height of the tapers or new bars is you may need a longer throttle cable but other wise no probs, might be better off getting a bigger carbi aswell as a decent air filter (genuine uni) change oil. All thats left to do then is forks and rear shock. high seat and if your lookin at jumpin id go to a engineering joint and get your frame braced cause if the frames smaller than a normal sized pit bike then youll be stuck trying to find a new one if it bends/snaps
those bars do look like they would bend easy in a little stack...i would get pro tapers. i wouldnt even ride with the crappy china oil. i dumped mine straight out and put motul 1000 in it. also i would upgrade the chain to a heavy duty one.
ok so i now have or have ordered:
uni filter
motul oil
billet throttle

and still to come is:
footpeg mounts and a new kickstart

i'm really stoked with the new stuff
and + my mates getting a pitty, woot woot :D
New frame oh god that sub frame is dangerous looking , the whole frame looks like its ready to bend. New shock don't buy an Ishock it will cost way to much just slap a fastace in there , i wouldn't venture past the gutter with that shock. Other than that and the stuff you bought for it it should be a sweet little mini
for starters, im a huge fan off A-frame swing arms...

not to mention it is a true mini... not these midsized things

start off with the basics, run some decent oil, run a decent air filter, run decent fuel etc etc... get a good named brand chain such as RK or something like that, as the kmc chains are complete rubbish, regularly lubing the chain is a good idea aswell... another thing you can do is go out and buy some medium strength loctite (blue) and undo apply the loctite on as many bolts as you can on your bike! this will prevent them from falling out... and get yourself some good handle bars

frame wise it seems ok, shocks could do with an upgrade! look into fast ace forks and shocks for the bike

one more thing would be possibly going for a larger front tire... the 10'' steer feel as if there going to wash out all the time

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