valve adjustment

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knob jockey

hey xxx lose the attitude mate, and i did search extensivly but no one has commented on the problems the decomp mechenism has on a lifan 140cc when trying to adjust valves correctly , dont be so sure of your self just take a step back buddy and have a look at yourself , just giving you the mail no offence intended.. ;)

mate i appriciate your help but, please try to be constructive for the sake of the forum so as it turns out you are incorrect they all come with a decomp mechanism unfortunatly , apparently its hard to adjust valves as when you turn your fly wheel the decomp is still in play so you need to take rocker cover of to make sure it is not in play when adjusting , if you dont you will f up your adjustment... :D
no help

so i guess no ones knows the answer to this question then??
so i guess no ones knows the answer to this question then??

The anti-kick-back mechanism is in my experience worth more trouble than good. Without it, I find I can always find TDC on starting and no more kick-back issues.

If you don't feel like checking some of the things I already mentioned and reporting back, then I don't think anyone can have a guess at the answer you are hunting for. At 002 and 003 your valves are on the tight tight side (if you checked them right), which means the tapping is not due to clearance adjustment.

If you really think the anti-kick-back mech is at fault, then just buy and install an Akunar cam (A1 or A2) and be done with it. Your engine will run a LOT better anyway. Double winner. That is , if that thing was your problem.

btw: With either 6.7mm lift cam you must use their valve springs too (stockers wont compress far enough), and if you change the springs you might as well put the Akunar valves in while you are at it. I changed the valves separately to the springs and found they made a noticeable improvement.

i cant believe out of all these ppl i cant get a response to my question?? how to adjust vavles with a decomp mechanism on a cam??
i cant believe out of all these ppl i cant get a response to my question?? how to adjust vavles with a decomp mechanism on a cam??
Mate ... bad way to write. I hope you don't get any further help. If your boss or parents offer to send you on a people skills course one day, then ask for annual tickets.

For starters, people like myself don't always write to the original message. It's a thread. Many forum members might read and be interested. If you get help you are lucky. It's not about you. None of us own any thread.

I've never written anything aggressive toward member on this forum before, but today's the day. You don't have an answer because if you look at the parts in question you'd realise that your original question re valve clearance checking and the type of cam is stupid, and your last one is even worse. We all politely ignored the stupid part and focused on the tapping sound because you said it "gives you the *****". Anyway some of us tried to help you, and yet you gave us a **** ungracious reply.

So, set your valves however you like, it'll make F-A diff. Enjoy laying down your $350+ when you blow up your engine's top end. China bikes and engines are great for learning. Feel lucky. Enjoy.
Bah Ha Ha Ha

Bahhhh Ha Ha Ha Ha !!! No Worries If I Respected You That Might Have Ment Something But Since I Dont At All!!! I Will Just Let It Slide Right Past Me :d Have A Nice Day.
Not wanting to be a prick but whats the problem honestly?You follow the video works! I have stock lifan cam on the 140cc all up gears and follow the video its works what more can you possibly want?? as it says in the video make sure the cam gear is set right as there are 2 markings 1 is overlap. You are over thinking the issue here, the way it is shown works thats all i needed to know.

if that s not enough proof take the caps of and see for yourself you can see when the valves open and close you will soon work out when its "Decompressing"

yes i understand but i have been told that the lifan is a pain to adjust the valves because of the decomp mech that is fitted the original cam? and it kind of makes sense because when i turn the fly wheel where the t mark lines up with crank case mark it feels the fly wheel wants to pull left or right indicating there is some sort of interfiernce namly(im guessing the decomp mechanism)decomp mech?? what say you panda ?? thanks for comments
how did this turn out dude???

did u get it right???,what did u end up doing with the kick back mekinism???

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