Sinister 50's No 1 Groupie
Can't wait to get lapped by styv and kosta
is that Harry almost looping out and then Stalling in the mud ??
Well flights are booked so I can attend the race meet on the 26th of may, I can't wimp out nowlol. Have never even tried jumping just trails and bumpy stuff so maybe a collarbone snap or nosedive crash is possible. Better bring the helmet cam.
That's why I suggested Yarram man as no big jumps on it.
The helmet cam will be a rolling just in case though!! haha
Didn't I snap my collarbone at yarram? Hehe
Lol yeah and I shouldn't pretend I can fly!
I was going to say it man but don't want to scare him!! haha
Blame Hazza for trying to moon walk 4th pinned.
Kosta was saying there is a club affiliated that he only paid 30-40 $ to join ?? Can't remember which one
Would like to know more about that club. Got 5 tight ass' coming down.