Cheers to all who came, what a awesome day

. Sorry Styv for being a bad luck charm time I won't pick on u b4 the race

. Got some awesome footage ill he putting up soon except I light leave race 3 out as that was an absolute disaster from start to finish. As for Roys stack, yep its on candid camera, I think u need to get that navman checked, as that wasn't a shortcut

. Best part of the day for me was my race with letsride to the finish line in the last race, both of us stacked once each and letsride ended up right on my ass at the last turn I went inside he went out, then off we went flat stick to the line, with bugger all to the line letsride looks over at me (just to see how a real rider rides

) and eats dirt right across the line, my h debate was had last night as to who won it and many a replay from the gopro was had, but this morning Tue results were announced and it turns out I pipped him at the post, would of been tyre width in it. Again awesome weekend and a special thanks to the VCM organisers for letting us race, can't wait to get down and do it again.
Edit: Big thanks to all the newy/sydney boys AND GIRLS for letting me do the trip down n back with them, was an interesting bus trip to say the least LOL.