Well one thing I know that
Was awesome seeing so many bikes on the line (as well as daunting for me haha). Great to meet a few guys I have been talking to for a long time on MR (Timmy, Damo, Styv and his misses & Dazza and his misses to name a few).
I had a blast in my first race in 5 years. Safe to say I completely sucked balls especially on a sand track I'm not used to riding. Good to get out of the comfort zone. Big transition from riding bush on the big bike to racing on a track on small wheels. Will be getting a lot more practice before next round. Can only get better from basically last!! haha
At the end of the day I had a smile on my face which is all that matters.
Would really like to get the pic of all the Miniriders in front of the banner up as it was a ripper.
I have Corey's helmet cam footage I will get up in the next day or 2 (I know you want to see your hole shot mate yyyeeeww

Congrats to Miniriders own Corey(Hussey) for his well deserved 3rd and Brooksy(coolmoodee1) for his B grade first!! Couldn't think of a better person to win consider all the time and effort you put into your racing and helping Eddie get the series going in the first place!! Was stoked for you both.
Also to Kosta for winning A Grade, Nicko for a well fought 2nd (smashing the table tops) and Dazza from QLD for 3rd in A grade (made the trip down all worth it).
Big thanks to Kosta for keeping the day running smooth, VCM and East Malvern club. Was such a relaxed environment to race in. For any newbies thinking of coming next round DO IT as you will have a ball.
I will get the race results soon off Kosta and we will keep a tally on here.
Shout out to Greggo from Buzz Bikes. Hope your feeling a bit better mate after your nasty crash.
Bring on Round 2.