VCM - Victorian Classic Motocross Series 2012

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You must be really excited. I know I would be. Well done on getting a nice bike.
I bet you use it what it was meant for. Racing
Sure an man, keen to get some ride time and get used to it a little before Yarram so I don't embarrass myself again

And while I wait for my YZ250F to come... I counting down the sleeps too! Driving the missus mad ...

Nice Avatar by they way Ment4L! ;)

haha yeh I think Jess is close to strangling me if I don't shut up about it to lol
Thanks mate you like?? Stole it from your thread ;)
dont kid yourself styv

you bagged the crap out of them untill you got given one

and thats fair enough

but they where junk back in the day most of em still are it's just us here at miniriders keep em running for people

as you guys say pay for what ya get

Whhhaaat.. I did not lol I was to pitsterpro lxr head strong I couldn't see the light.. And the Atomik way lol but yes it's true you get what you pay for.. Dont expect it be a bbr motorsport 12" when all you wana spend is $500 hahah

But If I didn't get spono by Atomik I would still be hangin off the back end of my lxr that collects dust now... Poor thing need someone to ride her she's lonely..

Who are you in the real world coolmodee01 lol
Bloody Joel lol I hate not knowing who people are and people know you hahah..

Yea poor thing sittin there with the Daytona 150 in her.. Plus the Motovert pro Daytona 125.. Wouldn't mind getting rid of that one tho
Got my hands on a Liquid Image Ego sports camera to get some footage at Yarram to :)
Was going to get a GoPro but these are a little smaller and also connect to my iPhone via wifi so I can upload straight from the phone :) also full HD 1080p like the GoPro....

Ok so if my tax turns up this week like it should I'll be booking the motel :)
Hey Mental, Is the Liquid Ego the one for around $150? I'd be interested in seeing how it goes on a dirt bike. I checked out a demo on a road bike, and looks really good. But wondering how if it has anti vibration techy stuff, like the GoPro. Its stable... think i'll try and get one! Where'd u get it?
Marcos Ramírez Montmeló Moto 3 - YouTube
Yeh that's the 1 Marty, I'll let ya know how it does cause I'm taking the bike out Sunday!!!
From first impressions just playing around with it she looks like it should take some bloody good footage, I have a cheaper ($169) camera and it was terrible!!!

As for price I paid more than $150 from a shop that looks after me... I'm hoping they still looked after me anyway lol
Don't worry about the price Mental. I was quoting an article before they came out in the US. Best I found here, is $170 for only the camera through Can't wait to see how it goes :) I know I want one though!
Gee that's still cheaper than I paid :( ohh well lol I'll post footage as soon as I use it!!

The goggle look pretty trick, a mate has a pair for snow boarding and they work well
I have seen them for $360

Ok that makes me feel a little better lol... I paid $239

That video looked like it hurt to, can't believe he kept riding after realizing he was pissen out so much blood!!! Ouch
Bloody lucky!!! He seemed to be leading by a fair bit to
He is a very quick rider. I was hoping he would come with us to vcm when we was down but he couldnt make it.
Good job Hazza!!! 4th overall is a good effort.

Will chuck up a sneak peak at the Yarram track for everyone shortly. Will be great fun and my first race for the year. :)

Will have our Miniriders sticker on our pit tent so everyone come say hello!!

So is this a Natural Terrain like Undera or more jumps or what?? just trying to get an insight ;)
the liquid image goggles are great , If I had my time over I would buy the goggles instead of the gopro