VIC Riding Spots

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wat's the exact address, if it isn't 2 far away from me i might be able 2 re-arrange some stuff 2 different times & cum down
hey pascal the track is located on mahoneys road... campelfield, just before the pipeworks market...hope it helps, if anyone knows the exact address please post coz i want as much boys as possible down there so we can race and meet eachother and give some pointers or whateva to eachother... thanks boys...
Hey guys its this staurday...cant wait...woot!!!:D :D :D :D
how old r u guys all? i am only 12 so i wouldn't be anywhere near ur level, also i have only had mi bike for like 2 months
im 15...but it doesnt matter will be a great learning ;) experience for ya
That sucks mate.
I have grumpy neighbors myself so I know what it's like.
I ride at the "bull paddocks" which it behind the Dromana industrial estate.
Alot kids ride their bmx's there, so you have to be a little careful, especially after school hours.
Over the years people have cut single track through the bush
and that can be quite fun to ride.
There's also some big bmx jumps.

So if you go down there you'll have some fun, just keep in mind that like so many of the places we all ride at we don't have permission.
I find it best not to park near the houses and also not to ride in the same spot near these houses for too long.

Hope this helps mate.
go to the hallam industrial estate on sundays its a good day, there is a quarry with tracks and hill climbs, i was there tonight no cops go there. lots of bikes are getting up there, you will like. its off wedgewood dr.

We own one of the new factories there, working there on the weekend is what got me back into riding, only problem is alot of the space there will be taken up by new factories within 6 months.
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the doveton boyz built that track from scratch we put the fast 50 spraypaint there. i have the lap record there when you are ready

Can you show us the location with a google earth co-ordinate
any1 know the exact address, i luv the game where u search a whole suburb lookin 4 1 small sign for the track! it's so "FUN"
Not off the top of my head. But you go to the index and look under motorcycle tracks and the page/map reference is listed.

if there's 1thing u should kno about me, im ****** lazy, okay, lol, but i can come up with good jokes, that's mi talent.
im still trying 2 find the track, its not in meways refference!!!
wtf is the address!!
yer man... just use whereis.. its right nxt door to the pipeworks market... so whos definately comming???