Not if your a good rider ... Riding in wet muddy conditions is the best way to improve your riding because of the descreased control aspect over the bike... It takes much more physical exertion to keep the bike down low in the burms/ruts and so on... and its really fun ...
let us know where i'll be there
i was thinken either hallem perry road or even goin to frankston mototrack
or even broady or maybe heading back up to the hillz
i dont wanna go to far because i'm goin to muskerry park next weekend for a ride day
if boady is open we are going there, if not maybe hastings if we get on any. broady was shut today to wet they said to ring between 8 and 10 in the morning. i will post where we are going in the morning. hallam is **** now to many factories getting built.
Just reading the local paper....Hallam may be getting a dirt bike track...anybody else read this? note... ,don't hold your breath if the councial is involed
ride day coming up at muskery in a couple of weeks 11th of this month should be good... there looking for more members to join their club so they can start having races and stuff...
will be riding parwan on sunday 26th.... also will have my old pitty there along with the big boys.. cr125 and kx250... be prepared.. ride hard or ride home ladies.. catchyas out there
Drove past perry rd friday arvo about 5:45pm and there was an ambo there with a dude on the ground after crashing his thumpster. Hope it wasn't anyone from here?
wasn't me but hope they are alright.
we will be riding at the conservation grounds this saturday, behind bunnings warehouse store off of abbotts rd, and to the end of national dr. dandy sth.
everyone get down there for a race day.