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to ride at brody youll only need a steel capped boot of some sort, helmet ( not a pushy one ) gloves and goggles........i dont think armour is compulsary coz whenever i go there not much people are wearing it so yer:D
hi all :)

does anyone know anywhere around gippsland to ride pit bikes. legally or not. i live in morwell 30 mins past warrigal.


Hey there is some allright bmx tracks round there.1 at Bairnsdale that i rode a few times when i was down that way,didnt get hasseled by anyone.Its very fun track to ride,wasnt many people round.Also 1 at strattford just near railway line pretty ordinary.Was meant to more up towards you.
south east melbourne

many wicked places to ride around police paddocks with hills and also thers
one main track that starts down at beach through to jells park.down dandy south section of track thers a mini moto track,melb water tracks and no residents to dob you in.also ive plottered a new route which can get you up to
monbulk nearly with less than 600metres of road riding.
try down behind sidney pargater reserve in endevour hills,if your willing to cross roads its a maze of tracks where stolen cars would get thrashed and dumped
would be up for ride if your still keen where would you be riding
south morang has ppl riding from 5 years & up so u could ride it there, it isn't 2 busy so it is okay for little ppl. they are on McDonalds Rd, there is a categorie in riding spots that is named South Morang & on the 2nd page a guy gives the address & ph number.
I haven't ridden there or seen it up close, but I once rode at the BMX track across the road. That would be awesome for pitt bikes!! hehehe :)
I live in Croydon and was wondering the same thing, it seems every time I drive past and it's open I only see little kids on jap 50's. It looks pretty strict with all gear the kids have to wear. But I did see a couple of guys on pitty's out side of the gates riden around. Still I have no answer and now I'm just typing ****. I might try and contact the club and see what the go is...
i road at hallam industrial estate on sunday, there is a quarry there with heaps of hill climbs there were about 10 pit bikes down there. the cops leave us alone if we stay off the roads. come down boyz
the doveton boyz built that track from scratch we put the fast 50 spraypaint there. i have the lap record there when you are ready
Pics of B-meadows mini bike track.

Hey guys has anyone got pics of broadmeadows mini track??? please post:D
Calder Park Moto Track!!!!

my bro just informed me that there is going to be a moto track built at calder park that should be completed next yer....He was just down there and was talking with the guys that are starting to build jumps and ****.... its also going to have a grandstand and the guy said that the crusty demons may even be there when the track is complete..... all i can say is ........**** YEH...**** **** **** YEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! WHO HOOOOOOO....AHHH( sorry scott)

cheers .:D :D :D :D
yer no worries mate.... it wont be till next year though.
ye-ah thats sick i can ride my bike straight there
were abouts at calder ktmkid?? cause i can see calder park from my house
where all those tires and stuf were or are....they probablly still bulldozing it right now:D