ViperMX series Rnd 3 Wonthaggi [PHOTOS]

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well good to see your shops down really getting into the supporting of the mini scene, tho i wish NSW had more tracks open to public about 80% of them are race tracks ONLY
pack of girls those blokes on there atomiks all they did was one practice lap then got scared and went home bloody sooks i need greggo from buzz bike to name and shame it was pathetic

the reason the race was so small is because ma limit fast 50s to 20 riders on the gate we were invited by the viper mx club to come and join them for the day to see how it would go and me and ed for that reason decided to say **** it we will invite ourselves first and everyone else later.
hell you would have known all about it if you had showed up to the last practice day there.......comes back to the you get out of it what you put in!!!!

so for those who didn't know about this race and would have liked to join in grow some god dam balls and come join up leave you name with mxgirl on here or go to the ciniworx website. we've been doing and organizing all sorts of stuff hell there was only 12 pitty riders at the red light and heaps more could have been catered for. we only got 10 or whatever riders to this because of broke ass scared pitty riders that want everything done for them.

personally i think alot of vico miniriders have got alot to learn from young rach she sucked it up dove the hour from home paid the $100 and weather she bet ando or not (he he he) she rode around with full grown blokes on undersized bikes all day and loved it. hell some of the woops would of just about swallowed her buy the end of the day but she kept of riding. I tell ya it doesn't say very much for those atomik blokes they should be ashamed of themselves

PBK find a track that would be good for mini's get a group of people to join the club get a rec ma license and get the motocross clubman to find a session time for you guys on there practice days thats pretty much what we did. it costs money mate motocross aint cheap even if the bike is

Hillz man the track was that cut up there was no such thing as body position it was keep the weight back to stop the front from diving into the bog

anywayz we had fun if ya want to join us next time get ya **** together. the guys in the vipermx series where pretty impressed with us and hopefully we score an invite to the next round at ravenswood near bendigo that would be sweet.

but be warned there is no excuse and no backing out rain hail or shine

p.s sorry mv24 but ma wont let anyone under 16 ride with senior riders rule are rules unfortunately i know you enjoyed the track last time

p.p.s a big thanks to nicko for making the trip out to wanna's from traralgon to take some piccy's i hope the missus didn't have to wait to long
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i really think you will get your numbers if you advertise more coolie

and i 100 bucks aint too bad compared to 135 for day license and entry and an extra class up here..

how many actuall races did you do and how many laps.. if i was in vic i would be signing up asap looked like you's were having a ball
i really think you will get your numbers if you advertise more coolie

and i 100 bucks aint too bad compared to 135 for day license and entry and an extra class up here..

how many actuall races did you do and how many laps.. if i was in vic i would be signing up asap looked like you's were having a ball

get a licence and it will only be $85 for 2 classes
get a licence and it will only be $85 for 2 classes

i still dont understand how i get the license and dont the licenses cost like 350 a year? or is it a one off payment and dont i also need to a join a mx club for example kurri kurri or something?
Yeh I'm pretty sure to race you have to be a member of a MX club.
What's the deal with MA licenses, last only for a year and cost about $200 i've heard?
I'd be at every race if I had the cash to splash :p
we race under a restricted licence the costs $185/ year plus your club membership of $85

but at 40 - 50 for a day licence 8 times a year it's worth while

you can get a rec licence or club license but that only allows you practise and club days not competition

Are theses race gonna be a set thing everyone month or just when people can be bothered organising them for that month?
we race under a restricted licence the costs $185/ year plus your club membership of $85

but at 40 - 50 for a day licence 8 times a year it's worth while

you can get a rec licence or club license but that only allows you practise and club days not competition

exactly what do you mean by club do you mean like a local motocross club near me or somthing else?

i honestly have no idea as i only race minis and have nothing to do with big bikes or big bike racing
you can either get a club or a national license and with the club licence you have to become a member a local motorcross track i dont know about kurri but you can get one from lakes and maitland
All your prices and info is here
you can get a restricted national licence for 185 which is for trails mini moto and fast 50s which is not bad.
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Are theses race gonna be a set thing everyone month or just when people can be bothered organising them for that month?

devs come to the monthly mini bike rides with victorian mini riders and show all the interest in the sport and there will hopefully be monthly racing! you better be at parwan this month coz I know you live close :p
Sorry guys the viper race was by Ciniworx Invite Only.
We are looking at more races but it makes it hard when you are limited to 20 riders.
Ciniworx would organise an actual series for mini moto if we could but it is just a matter of trying to fit in with other events at tracks and we would need 100 minimum entries.... So in the meantime we have got in contact with friends within the motocross industry and tried organising a number of races in conjunction with other events. If you want to join us we are limited to 20 riders for MA Fast50s races so join our contact list and not only will you be notified of Victorian Mini Ride Days such as the one coming up at Parwan and an event at Bonnie Doon but you might even get an Invite to enter the races we organise.
PS Dont worry unlike other Brand of bikes we dont send out Ciniworx Advertsising material to those on the ride list we dont operate like that. Unless of course you ask for it.
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lic for minis under ma is 185,u will have to do a five hour coaching clinic,if u race at one of my rounds and get a day lic u have 14 days from that day to join one of the clubs we race at for 30 instead of 60 a deal i have arranged with the clubs,send in your forms and ma will use ur day lic as proof u can ride and u wont hve to do the 5hour clinic,they will also take 44 of the price for ur lic as u have paid 50 for a day lic.6 dollars goes to the club

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