WAKEYS yx150@ cungulla beach:applaudit:

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watch this space, just uploading a vid from today on you tube... in 3....2....1:
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/wkZS5x8TPiw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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haha, good stuff james,ummmm you spelt my name wrong lol, all good ill forgive ya mate, once we get a bigger card then we can record forever...and ever ever.
we can get twice as much footage........next time remember your cam lol:lol_hitting:
My bad, guess i was like a little kid at xmas and wouldnt eat my brekkie lol. Cant believe i forgot the f'n cam:damnmate:
ha ha, i didnt remove the old footage, i can record over 1.47 hrs now in 1080p lol

instead of 15 mins like today.

off to the beach tomorrow with becca, she's feeling a little left out
So i messed up and you messed up lol, we will call that even then. How lucky are you, ya missus wants to take you riding, normally a bloke has to hassle his missus to even leave the house and you better half is encourageing it.