Warning Dodgy CR7HSA plug

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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2011
Reaction score
North West Tasmania
Today i was changing the plug on one of my bikes i had just finished doing it up finger tight. Just put the sparkplug socket and ratchet onto it and ONLY JUST STARTED TO USE IT and the bottom part of the plug snapped from the washer to the arm at the end of the plug. The electrode and the porcelin around it was not damaged and was still attached to the rest of the plug. Of course all i could do was:cursing:. I got the threaded part of the plug out of the head without any dramas used a flat blade screwdriver and undone it. I checked both parts of the plug to see if there was any bits missing that maybe in the engine. But to be on the safe side i pulled the head off just to double check no dramas no bits of plug in there. Replaced plug with a C7HSA without any dramas. And went to town and returned the damaged plug to where i got it from and got a C7HSA instead free of charge. This is the first and last time i will buy a CR7HSA plug i know it must of been a bad batch but not taking that risk again. Just thought it would be a good idea to warn you guys about what happened.
I personally haven;t had a problem with them, could just be an unlucky one mate?

Anyhow I'm upping to a c7HIX now so I'll see how that treats me!
Was it a genuine cr7hsa, with the japan and cr7hsa insignia just above the hex section??
hehe carlts edited Needapitty's post for spelling and it still has an error.

Man I wish I was as cool as that Carlts guy
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hehe carlts edited Needapitty's post for spelling and it still has an error.

Man I wish I was as cool as that Carlts guy

Hahaha, nice touch Carlts, a lancer driving cool guy, didn't know there was such a thing lol
Guys it was a genuine NGK CR7HSA plug. The letters and number and //// Japan was between the hex section and the washer.
it could have been dropped at the shop before you bought it. they can be fragile little things.
Guys it was a genuine NGK CR7HSA plug. The letters and number and //// Japan was between the hex section and the washer.

That's really strange. NGK are great quality plugs. Never had a problem.

I would say it's just a once off thing.
Def was a one off or dodgy batch, my whole time installing NGK plugs at work and have only seen a China plug do that, just glad ya had a good look for bits in the chamber, Have you tried the cr7hix or c7hix I have been using the cr7hix for years and they are good plugs, $18 a pop but last a lot longer I have found.
there is no reason for you to be running a resistor type plug also.
Def was a one off or dodgy batch, my whole time installing NGK plugs at work and have only seen a China plug do that, just glad ya had a good look for bits in the chamber, Have you tried the cr7hix or c7hix I have been using the cr7hix for years and they are good plugs, $18 a pop but last a lot longer I have found.

Yes must of been a bad batch or a one off thing. It's never happened to me before i've been mucking around bikes and cars etc for years the closest thing i have had happen is the porcline part of the plug broke. I would not of started it without checking for bits in the chamber. Yes i have cr7hix irdium and c7hsa standard plugs also, but for some reason the bike is harder to start cold with the irdium plug. I was trying a cr7hsa for a change when it broke. I'm like most of you guys very fussy when it comes to our bikes, wife calls me a perfectionist.:rolleyes:

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