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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2007
Reaction score
gold coast
Here's another installment of our jetski adventure's

this time we have Helmetcam ,got myself an ATC/2K sports action cam thats waterproof

made a vid of todays adventure's in the logan,first run with the cam so we need a few tweaks but all good ,for 100 bucks it's the best cam i ever bought
check it out!

YouTube - jetski stand-up fun
nar never mate never

just got , a new kick for a lil while ill be at the big beerwah ride ,zacs bike is playin up so i got to fix it but im never out of bikes for long ,like i said ill be there me and fred also ,film in hand and zac on his whip ,just gettin a lil old to ride all the time ,my wrist's done like it

keep the faith
bahh man up snitch those wrist's still have that stronge mx love in them they will hold up.
yeah man fun for the first few mins
but not my thing
there hard work but

hey where did ya get the helmet cam for 100 thats pretty good quality
share the luv
yea its a hang on ill link ya

WIRELESS HELMET CAM CAMERA ATC2K ATC2000 ATC-2000 +2GB - eBay, Other Digital Formats, Camcorders, Cameras Photo. (end time 22-Mar-08 05:16:41 AEDST)

he's an awsome seller i got it in 2 weeks he sent me a track no and all was sweeeeeeeeet

the cam it self it filth the quality is better than that was on youtube ,the sound sux but hey it's a sport cam it's for footage not sound recording

there waterproof up to 7 mtrs

fricken awsome i tell ya and this is how i made my cam on a helmet



as for hard mate these ski's are freakin awsome fun ,i love it we soon gunna venture out into the surf for some wave jumpin weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
witness to sickness cuz

i'll hit this cracker up for some sic moto footage

what sort of time do you get per 32mb stocker
mate bugger all proly bout 10 mins of quality footage

u need a 2 gig card scan disk he sells with it

that way you get ahour

all for 128 bucks or somethin plus post , awsome deal
im so happy with it
mate best thing i got of ebay in a while i tell ya ,these heaps of test vid on youtube under the name ATC/2K

i even mounted it on the windscreen wiper arm of my truck and shot some footage going up the m1 at 120 clicks and sweeeeeet as ,freaks me out the things im gunna do with this

and waterproof dude you can mount it under your footpeg on your bike for some close ground speed shots

inthe pics i mounted it on a cheap helmet from bigW and used some kick ass 2 part glue
and glued the mount to helmet then there is a clicp in the mount so i can take the cam off the helmet,i also made a cable for added safety just incase the clip came disconected

you can mount it forward or backwArd ,it also floats << how good it that ,all these things i have tested and are true ,,,,freakin awsome

freds got a kick ass helicopter and we guna mount it to that as well
should be sweeet ,dude you gotta get 1
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looking good snitch

i thort ya was dead or sumfin havnt seen u on here in ages l0l
i love jet ski's. my uncle brought one down camping with him a few years ago, it was a sea-doo something. anyways after a bit of getting used to (didn't take to long, as it was a sit down one). I ended up doing 110 kph along the Murray river:D
oh and if ya wrists dont like moto riding they wouldnt like this to much either they pretty hard on ya wrists these things not as bad as motos but still not to good lol
yea it's the sharp jolts that hurt ,i find the ski still hurts but not as much

im here every day just lurkin ,aint had much to say lately
but im here ,hehehehe just watching and readin
yea it is ,thats why i do it

same as bike ridein boring also ,another reason i also do that

see when ya get a lil older you may understand ,boring is the way to go

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