what are these bikes like?

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thanks dreadful i'll have a look.
the instruction manual got chucked in the bin when i read the phrase "fix bolts on bike for happy use and very fun"............******* useless!!

it was by reading all i could on here and watching a few how to vids that i had the heads up and kinda knew what i was doin.......so far so good..
thanks for your help guys and i'll be sure to direct any questions to you guys on here.
nah adzy it not a agb cause its got a lifan, but all the rest of the parts look the same, you can tell they are like made in the same factory cause you always get the 21 numbers on it
but an agb bike is a pretty good starter, just get some spares ie. tubes tires , levers ect. (even better just replace the rubbers entirely) BUT if you are not very machanically savvy DO NOT buy one unless someone can hep you fix it
well i gave the new bike a good wholesome flogging for 3 hrs up at a mini bike track near here and it went sweet!
its bloody heavy though. when i got it home i noticed the headstock was very loose and the clutch cable had stretched quite a bit.
would it be worthwhile buying a better quality clutch cable that doesnt stretch as bad cause i am almost out if adjustment on it.
The headstem becoming loose is common and u need to regularly cheak all nuts and bolts and use locktite. As for the clutch cable just get a spare.
any tips on how i can lighten the bike?
it weighs 80 kgs and is sooo heavy on jumps etc...
If it has an electric start (*** button) get rid of it ...and the battery ....and the starter motor ....not real familar with the bike but this should be cool...if not someone will tell ussoon enough ...but I reckon all ya want is the kill switch all the rest is bullsh#t....after all if ya can't kick it you shouldn't ride it .:D
thanks dreadful.
it doesnt have a starter, just has the kicker. no battery that i can find either.
would it be worth getting alloy rims for it and possibly an alloy swing arm?
yea sounds like a good idea man, if thats what you can afford then get it because its still a mini bike wether its called a pitpro or not and you'll still have fun on it:)
yer its ok for a first pitbike... my friend has one and it kinda sucks lol like everything on it is **** but there arnt the worst bikes
he thrashes it around and he allways has to fix it and stuff but it goes alright
my bike is simular to that one, its not pit pro quality but it gets me around and things break alot on them.
yeah my bike is great!
the only thing ive broken on it so far is my foot on new years day......lol

great bike though!!
i just gotta get me some proper riding boots!

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