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but im just on the limit of the maxium load for the 140xr hummers say they can hold max of 150kg who has a hummer here? with all these advices its hard to choose :/ and seeing the hummer video clips it flys heaps faster than the 140XR why does this have to be so hard to pick :(
hey i dont no much about bikes though ill compair the diffrences out of whats advertised witch is all in favour for the hummer..

Max Speed = 140XR 100kmph - Hummer 140kmph ( my weight prolly XR 80kmph-90kmph to Hummer 120kmph-130kmph )
Max Load = 140XR 110kg - Hummer 150kg
Engine = 140XR = 140cc - Hummer = 250cc
seat height 140XR 79cm - Hummer 92cm

i may see things diffrently but to be honest if ANYONES got a hummer i wanna hear the BAD things about em :)

hard to belive a advertised 140kmph bike would only hit 80kmph :/ and i wouldnt say its small perfect size for me i recon..
Hummer weighs heaps

you think so ? only 100kg ill bench press it with one hand haha :p

also none of these things have power band eh? (soz im noob at bikes an my mates dont no nuffin about china bikes they mostly kx n yz riders )
y wont u take our advice the hummer is a **** bike stop postin if ur not going to listen ok the 140xr could beat the hummer in 2nd gear hands down
of course they r gunna advertise it at 140km/h thats wat they want u to think the pitpro is a reputable bike and u wont be dissapointed if u listen to us but if u dont dont come on here and complaint that u were just out on ur hummer and the front wheel came off ok?
lol carm down tiger you can stop reading this thread iv got advice from you just need advice from others because you said something im not gonna jump and do what you say its called 2nd 3rd an 4th opinions something you may need to learn in life..

so ppls hummer really is that bad?
yes man we are tryna help uve had like 6 opinions already and no1 has said anything good about the hummer
oright looks like good favour in the 140XR... let me ask final questions
1. Is it gonna be oright for my weight (105kg) they say max load "110kg"
2. Can bigger wheels fit on em..
3. Do i need bigger handlebars if so how much am i looking at..

cheers :)
yes it will hold ur weight with no problem except maybe suspension front might be fixed with heavier fork oil u can replace rear shock eventually with fastace

as for the wheels i dunno y ud wanna make them bigger as it takes the fun out of it but if needed the front could probly be changed out to a bigger (not too much) as for the rear u would have to check wheel to swingarm clearance

as for bars u can get a decent set of pro taper se high rise bars for 70/80 bux
or u could get larger risers

and finally ive ridden 1 of those bikes and trust me u wont be dissapointed
sweet as il prolly get the pro taper bars but some one said it comes with the bike on ebay in a post iv read here.. but yer $70 $80 no worries.. cheers for the info
yer they do come with tapers so if u still have height issues just get a big set of risers
ey man i bought one of these 140XR's payed $1025 then $170 for freight to perth, should get here on Tuesday, Ill let you know how it goes if you havent bought one yet lol....
aww thats about the price ill pay cept $100 to melb :p if i cant pick it up but yer man tell us how it went id love to here about it :) also where do i get renthals and how much are they and do they fit on the 140XR
ar the ol hummer nice car ..crapy bike lol

i havt seen any here yet with a hummer >am only new so i maybe wrong

iv seen a few on utube and they wernt to impressive , lots of rattley bits

hope ya find what your lookin for goodluck
ok as for hummer like i said on page 3 the hummer only hits 80km/h
you said its hard to belive that a bike advertised saying top speed is 140km/h only hits 80km/h but you have to realise that these sellers will say anything for a sale alot of them also say retail price on these bikes are $2000+ whiich is BS so dont belive everything you read

ok time for pros and cons this is only from what i know
hummer top speed 80km/h but you can change the sprockets to get more top speed hummers track record of what ive read is that there electricals arnt the best a guy on here had a problem with the starter i think got it replaced and it shat itself again
hummer will hold your weight better
if your going to just cruse with the bike you buy on the roads buy a 250cc atomic or what ever because the hieght is a plus on the roads but if you plan on jumping i wouldnt go for the 250 there too heavy and you will kill the suspension

as for the 140cc there better for jumping and have some balls when it comes to power the con is that it wouldnt be the best for your weight with jumping but should hold up pretty good

but just remember your buying a chinese bike and that things go wrong with these bikes all the time
i remember when i had my 80 a guy on a 250 hummer rocked up to where we were riding and he didnt have a chance... it was slow as and sluggish... haha rrooosted him so bad
ok spoke to the manafactures of the 140XR an they say that its real max load is 90kg hmmmmm that ideas out for me hence being 105kg
there recommending i get a 250cc just one advice BEST 250cc china bike?