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Aug 15, 2007
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Victoria, Australia
Hi I am a 10 year old girl (Nearly 11) who really, really wants a mini bike, pocket bike....whatever you call it. I recently rode a 50cc Kawasaki at my 8 year old cousins place and i fell in love :eek:.
So I have decided to get my own bike, I have only saved up $300 dollars and I will have around $500-$700 coming in soon, so that gives me roughly $900 for paying for a bike, I am not sure what kind of bike I can get for my money, I have done massive research on Thumpster's, Honda's and Ciniworx bikes I have found Honda is to expensive but when I went to the dealer I had a sit on the 100cc and that was my size I am not sure the sizing of other bikes but that might help you for a rough idea of what kind of bike i need, also if you recommend a Chinese bike (Which is most likely) please list common problems or faults. I am only using this bike for mucking around on, no races.

hi sarah, umm, how tall r u? atomik have a 50cc bike, there are 110's around etc. the main pitty's all have a seat height of 75cm which is small but too big for a 10 yr old..i would recommend a 110 maybe with an auto clutch.
Well I'd say an 80cc jap bike (honda, kawasaki, yamaha etc) would suit you best but will cost a bit more than somthing from china.

A chinese bike will have alot more problems but I would reccomend somthing from MSO or Pitpro for your price range.

Or have a look at at what maylands performance has.

MSO - MSO Motocycles - Home
Pitpro - PITPRO
Maylands Performance - Welcome To Maylands Performance
damn why cant my sister be so interested! shes the same age and i am trying to get her into riding.
yea i agree with flarry
look for 80 japs ( second hand maybe)
then look into mso or pitpro
Do you have anyone in the family that knows a bit about bikes?

If so then getting a china 110 might not be so bad cause you can get someone to help you maintain it.
I sure do, my step dad, he is a bike fanatic, he rode harleys, hondas the works but he is leaving the decision up to me and I am not sure what to get.
Well a jap would last longer but this could be something that in 6 months you go i've had enough and if you have someone like your step dad around looking after the bike won't be a prob so for now while your just starting out i would be going with a 110 pit pro.
i'd look at pitpro
its serious without being to full on
plus good price
as for maintenance you should only have to keep bolts tight oil changed general stuff the sort of riding you will do a china bike will be fine

if you have more concerns have a look around the site and dont hesitate to ask questions

city motorbikes is probably the closest place for you to get the pitpro to
it saves dodgy ebay peeps unless maylands can get one posted to you for about the same price brian there's pretty reliable

have fun on your bike
if ur 150 u may be able to even fit on a normal pitbike....
i wish mi lil bro as that in2 bikes aswell, he is 10 but doesn't like bikes....
My sister never wanna used to ride my bigger bikes or even get on the back with me but since i got the pitty she's made into it always asking me if she can ride mine lucky i have 2 lol and i can get out there with her.

I think she wants to get her own one and i think it's preddie cool.

Up until i think maybe 6 weeks ago she had never ridden a bike and now she's really good her take offs are really smooth and changes are almost perfect.

She's a little sketchy on jumps and rough surfaces but we'll get her there.
that's kool, i have a big sis, she has seen mi bike once when i was loading it up to go to the track and we were gonna take her to a shopping centre :rolleyes: LOL
Thanks a heap for all this help, i will just have to look for a pitpro dealer near me, I checked out the website, for what I want it will be good, as a 10 year old kid I don't have a heap of cash saved up because there is always something us kids want, so I only have about $100 dollars saved up mum will put in $200 dollars (Because my birthday is soon people are giving me money) I hope I can get one, all I need to save up is about $800-$900 because of gear etc.


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