saga and snitchy, **** you sirs, i hate you both.
Sean01, my sis got me got me the following... : Bundy 101 Reserve.
Bundy Red.
Bundy Yellow X2
Bundy Triple Filtered.
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAH AH AH A H AH AHA HA HA HA HA HAH A HH A HA HA HA. coincidentally, the red may have been opened over xmas lunch....
i also scored some sweet world war 2 stuff, my uncle has threatened to hand me down a gin-yoo-whine SA Knife (ten bucks to whoever knows what that is....) and this being my first year in my house, first xmas etc, i had the WHOOOOOOOLE family here for it... was awesome...
oh, and the old man got me a high end navman, after i asked for a cheap ****ty one..

gotta love loaded parents with guilty consciences... ha ha ha.
Best of all, missus thump140 couldnt think of anything, so she has agreed to partially fund the bling project on the 04 thumpy. Win. gotta love the lady.