what do u think about this. ANY GOOD!!!

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Yes the one DB & PB posted is the better buy. It is not a downgraded or downspecced AGB 29 as made by Apollo, not even close. How could it be when it has a better engine with a better clutch position, so can start in any gear, also means you can run a rotor kit and many other hop up parts. Its twinspar frame is heaps better. The Apollo ones are just thin three sided channel. The swingarm is way better and alloy. Whereas the elstar is still thin mild steel and has a poor shock mount. The pit bike runs a heavier gold chain whereas the elstar still runs the old lighter mega stretchy chain. The elstar still has the thin crappy cast footpegs. The plastics on the Apollo built bikes is changing with every model so good luck finding some in 18 months. The sprockets and most parts for apollos are not interchangable with mainstream fiddys. The electrics have been completely failing on people everywhere and the only parts that are improving on the Apollos are forks, rims, rear shock, brake lever and brakes cause they finally started using the same parts the pit bike factorys where using from the beginning.

BTW Most of the fake mikuni's were on Apollo bikes. That pitbike posted before would have Mikuni-Japan stamped on the side of the slide body and be a great carb.
Mack said:
Yes the one DB & PB posted is the better buy. It is not a downgraded or downspecced AGB 29 as made by Apollo, not even close. How could it be when it has a better engine with a better clutch position, so can start in any gear, also means you can run a rotor kit and many other hop up parts. Its twinspar frame is heaps better. The Apollo ones are just thin three sided channel. The swingarm is way better and alloy. Whereas the elstar is still thin mild steel and has a poor shock mount. The pit bike runs a heavier gold chain whereas the elstar still runs the old lighter mega stretchy chain. The elstar still has the thin crappy cast footpegs. The plastics on the Apollo built bikes is changing with every model so good luck finding some in 18 months. The sprockets and most parts for apollos are not interchangable with mainstream fiddys. The electrics have been completely failing on people everywhere and the only parts that are improving on the Apollos are forks, rims, rear shock, brake lever and brakes cause they finally started using the same parts the pit bike factorys where using from the beginning.

BTW Most of the fake mikuni's were on Apollo bikes. That pitbike posted before would have Mikuni-Japan stamped on the side of the slide body and be a great carb.


Clown this is the bike that is linked in the original post...

Its an Apollo Yes Apollo....You know how I know its got A stampted on the frame.....

Atomic bring bikes from Apollo you know how I know ....I was at the factory when the order was Placed...Yes we fly to chaina every 4 weeks..
Mack said:
Yes the one DB & PB posted is the better buy. It is not a downgraded or downspecced AGB 29 as made by Apollo, not even close. How could it be when it has a better engine with a better clutch position, so can start in any gear, also means you can run a rotor kit and many other hop up parts. Its twinspar frame is heaps better. The Apollo ones are just thin three sided channel. The swingarm is way better and alloy. Whereas the elstar is still thin mild steel and has a poor shock mount. The pit bike runs a heavier gold chain whereas the elstar still runs the old lighter mega stretchy chain. The elstar still has the thin crappy cast footpegs. The plastics on the Apollo built bikes is changing with every model so good luck finding some in 18 months. The sprockets and most parts for apollos are not interchangable with mainstream fiddys. The electrics have been completely failing on people everywhere and the only parts that are improving on the Apollos are forks, rims, rear shock, brake lever and brakes cause they finally started using the same parts the pit bike factorys where using from the beginning.

BTW Most of the fake mikuni's were on Apollo bikes. That pitbike posted before would have Mikuni-Japan stamped on the side of the slide body and be a great carb.

What you may also not understan is that not Every one has $3000+++ to buy a Thumpstar or a Provert ...

Our Bikes for $1000+++ are good solid alternative..

But you are so rich....And clever...

I have guys competing on our bike in WA and you know what.....They do well In the import class...Running Podeum even against Thumpstars...

You read on Forums...I see 1000's of kids on our Bikes....

Plus get this I have ridden all of them...The first Orions were ok but not good i will agree..


They are not even my bikes and I still think they are great value for money especialy agains Motoverts......(May as well be an Old AGB21)

If your engine ever goes I will personally install a Zongshen(World Leader in engine manufacturing Same Level as Lifan) for $300 and this way you never worry what engine is in your bike...

The only other reason there are more complaints about Orions Is that there is 10 more of them in Australia than any other bike :)

So 10 times the distributors and places to buy parts...


Thumpstar is great The only bike with a completely orginal design and amazing frame....Well its just a great package all together ///and the rest the rest well same level of OK.....At least at Elstar we give a 3/6months warranty :) so we back our staff...
Could not have possibly known you were referring to some link way back unless you quote it. Otherwise looks like your following the flow of posts clown.
I also understand perfectly well people want good cheap bikes. Thats why if you had taken the time to read peoples posts properly (instead of skimming to post a sales pitch), you would know that not once have I reccommended buying any bike valued over $1000.00. Despite the threadjacking and postwhoring to make sales, most people will still buy off ebay and they need help. Until 3 months ago when the agb 29 arrived an Apollo was not even a half decent bike. Even now the agb29 in a close comparison will show many deficiencies, but the main one is the persistence with the ducar motor,light frame and swingarm. If you had read quincy's later post
so what makes that other ebay bike better. eg does it have stronger frame or what. i would of thought the one i posted would have been stronger.

i mainly want to use it for bashing around a farm but maybe ocasaly take it to a track like south morang. and most of all it has to be cheap i only have around $900. what do u guys spend on maitance.
i wont be woriying about hotting it up.


thanks to every one you guys help out people starting off a lot
You would see he wants to possibly jump this thing and may want to race. I could never reccommend current Apollo's over a pitbike like the one BD&PB posted for the same money. Thats my opinion and I'm entitled to it. I'm not selling anything so am posting here without bias. I usually have guided people towards BSE built bikes or similar which are sold under various names by major distributors in US and Europe and are a true copy of a BBR modded CRF. The odd one has been popping up and they are under $1000. The engines have been proven in motard and mx racing in the states and Europe and many hop up parts are available. We'd have a raging fiddy scene here too if our importers had of not gone for maximum profit margin and imported the cheapest bikes available from the Apollo bicycle factory. See another main aspect of all this is that guys are going to want to build on their bikes. They always do. Already their starting to ask on this forum about upgrading. So what upgrades can you offer the apollo bike rider? Any aftermarket swingers that fit? No, need aftermarket frame. Ok got one, now plastics dont fit. Get crf plastics. Motor no good and no upgrades, replace with Lifan,Zonger or Jialing. Seat doesn't fit, get new seat. What do you end up with. Same thing we got in the first place which can be built to any level we like, at any time we like and be competative with top honda's,kwaka's and suzies in any class for a third the price.

BTW I have heard from many Ducar owners that their motors and electrics are failing. Its not cause they are all forgetting to unblock the stupid hose either.
I got the same bike as the BSE but it's stickered as a MSO. I got the alloy version in orange (the white one pictured is the chro-mo version).

The only thing I've done is put Pro Taper bars on it, definately a quality unit that can take a hiding.
You are entitled to your opinion...

What ***** me is that you dont seem to value liecensed dealers
EBay will not be around for long...Why???

Most people on ebay are not liecensed dealers ...There bikes are not tested to any standards......And can you guaratee they will be there in 3 months...

I dont want start anything..

You huys need us we carry a 3 months parts and labour warranty.We are there to help you.
Help thats not availible on Ebay.
We support the industry we sponosor sites like this ...

Ebay sucks the industry dry and returns very little.

The wholesale cost on an Orion is $810+GSt at that price we make less than <$100//This $100 covers the parts we stock wages we pay .Goverment taxes and charges and Austest labs cost.

The shops charge $200-$300 for assembelly and set up as well as they service your bike for free for the 3 months warranty .

Macka befor you comment .Undestand the industry you knwo little about..
Your comments are painfull and misslead the people on this forum..

Any one with questions please come in have a look..i will even go for a ride with you around our complea we can swap bikes and compare...

You tell us what you think :)

Cheers guys

Always get your facts for your self
Mate thats alright for the city customers, but our local dealers are still stocking 18 month old 3 speed auto 110's and want $1800 minimum. Your too far to get any help from, so buying off Ebay is reality dude. For $1000 bucks I got a better bike than your selling, and got it with 3 months warranty. I can order parts from all over the world or any fiddy store in Aus for this bike and always will be able too. You need to get up to speed on what constitutes a good fiddy. The real pain in the arse, is guys trying to make a buck highjacking threads (against the rules is'nt it mods?). Reality is guys are buying off ebay and need help discerning whats what. The last thing they need is someone bagging everyone who reccommends something your not selling. This forum is sposed to be informative and helpful not your personal billboard. If you notice the threads where ebay is discussed its cause the guy is alredy gonna buy off it and needs help. I'm not here to tell him where to buy just to help with what. If you provide good bikes and service you'll sell yourself and wont need to flog these forums so hard. See, i wouldn't even have a fiddy if it wasn't around a grand. But over time I'll be spending big on aftermarket parts from the best suppliers in Aus. If your not one of them, you won't get my dollar. Thats business. Thats reality.

BTW I value highly the dealers but only if they keep up with this fast evolving sport and don't try and keep us in the dark and rip us while they can. But their value really begins with the value I place on their bikes first.

EBay will not be around for long...Why???


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