What Else Are You Into??-HOBBIES/TOYS

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these are for any prick found in my yard that shouldnt be arrrrgggghhhh Kill Bill
Your second pic in the first post (page 6) didn't work. Forgot the [


Thats better!
and finally am collecting handmade knives. these from india. have approx 40 knives at the mo.( am a chef but, tools of trade)

these are for any prick found in my yard that shouldnt be arrrrgggghhhh Kill Bill

This is usually enough to deter any break-in at my house:


Used to be more than a hobby ... but I've since scaled down to it just being a hobby.
very nice. used to do muay thai but constantly tearing acl in knee put stop to that.
nice parrot pitbulls what is it??

i have a grey indian ring neck parrot she looks like your parrot just different colors
moustachied parrot (indian grass parrot) also got a red collar lorikeet but he is too viscious to handle( ex girlfriends bird, hates men lol) ringnecks are really cool

forgot me boy. oscar. hes 3 now had him from fingerling. he jus killed his partner(bastard)
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im a crazy herper i got a **** camera so il only show the half decent pics.
bah pics came out super sized :(

i have in total 9 snakes and getting an adult GTP pair for a bargine 7 grand :D

here are my 2 oscars this 1 is eliza mobnster killing machine i through some livys in for her and she f'en owns em hard rofl she bites pretty damed hard!

[/URL][/IMG]ands this is my lil 1 bites pretty hard to for a giant gold fish lol
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my oscar goes nuts if i even go near his tank but my girlfriend can pick him up and even scratch his stomach. she picks him up( no net just hands) when i need to clean the tank. go figure
whats a GTP?? like a giant tropical python or sumthen??

its a green tree python :D they arnt the easiest to breed and for an adult pair 7g is an absolute bargine they sell for 4-8 grand for a hatchy they are like the most desired reptile to keep reptile in australia many people have even been robbed at gun point for these. thats why i got the ol cricket bat next to the door (H)
my oscar goes nuts if i even go near his tank but my girlfriend can pick him up and even scratch his stomach. she picks him up( no net just hands) when i need to clean the tank. go figure

last time i put my hand in elizas tank i coped a nice bite on the finger they are just so powerful what do you feed yours? mine get basicaly anything lol they love the common cockroaches and flys and other beetles and bugs i even throw in some live bait fish and frozen bloods worms she loves!

and for the 2 adult gtp's if i was buying from a a person i didnt know id be paying 12-16g easy for a breeding pair.
used to have green tree pythons and childrens pythons crawling thru the restaurant i worked in at cape tribulation. woulda caught 1 if i hadda known what they were worth
Feed me oscar barra pellets and occasionally blood worms
hey wardya so do you reckon when you get them they will breed??

i was just thinking if they do, 7g is a good investment cause you would get ya money back when you sell the babys
Sell me a snake, i want one ******* :D

Me and PJ love our long snakes =]

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