what i have to say about the rm250

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Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2010
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next door to you
okay so i had my first ride today on my 250
and i have to say its not what i thought
its really fast with no bottom end
also i found when u have the right amount of revs it will pull hard from gear to gear
the power is amazing handling is great but i need to adjust the front forks
and lever position
you still have to remember im 13 5ft 4 and never ridden a 250 or a two stroke
at the start mum and dad said take it easy and dont ride in the powerband and i did
for the first 50 meters then i gave it a little bit more gas and it went a little faster
then i hit powerband id it went but wasnt what people said they said it would flip me off and it didnt
and after 20 minutes i was pinned and having a blast

so to anyone thinkin of geting a 250 2 or 4 stk

>>>>>GET THE 2 STROKE <<<<<

thanks for reading hope you like my first ever review.hers a little vid ten minutes in

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/1tkxN5XtBHc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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2 strokes for the smokey ear bleeding rebuild win? :p
the very first ride from the start
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/VGBp7gy1ixg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
hey man just letting u know when u were kicking it u should get it to compression, when u feel it has compression kick it from there. u can strip the kick start gearing by doing it improperly and if it builds compression when kicking u can do all sorts of damage to the crank case and more. ive seen split crank cases from improper kicking

thatd be partly why u were struggling to kick it over, mid kick u hit compression and it stops ur leg pushing down. good way to shin urself too if u end up getting it kicked and ur foot slips
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just trying to help

but either way like i said u shouldnt kick it like that. take my advice or not up to u
I'm going to have a go at you as well for your (and your dad's) starting technique too, that's a great way to break a kickstarter / really hurt your shin. Push down firmly but slowly on the kickstarter and raise it back up until you can feel it's at the spot where it's resisting your foot the most.

That is when the piston is at the top of the cylinder, and you will be able to put a lot more force into the kick to get your bike started. The hole in your shoe should not affect you being able to find top dead centre, which you didn't do once.

Also, if you reckon it's down on power, put a new piston / rings in it, and then get ready to hold on.

They make a SH!T TON more power than a pitbike.

My RM250 is a 1994 model, only 6 years younger than me, and it rips my arms from my sockets if I hold it pinned, try riding on something with a few bumps on it, and you may find it a different beast. The newer models only differences is more bottom end power and better suspension.

That being said, enjoy your new 2-stroke, they're awesome fun, and when you get into some actual single track rather than 2 lane fire trails, you'll find out what I mean, it's a great feeling keeping a 2-banger on the pipe through the bumpy and twisty.

One last thing, from reading your other threads about your RM, buy a service manual, it will help you immeasurably with all the little things that need servicing, there's always a right and wrong way to do things, and the manual will show you the right way.
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yeah, im agreeing...sounds like its down on power... ive ridden a few 250 2 strokes and theres no way in hell id compare them to a 150 pitty in power... Thatd be like saying miranda kerr's about as good lookin as your nanna...
yeah, im agreeing...sounds like its down on power... ive ridden a few 250 2 strokes and theres no way in hell id compare them to a 150 pitty in power... Thatd be like saying miranda kerr's about as good lookin as your nanna...

what do you mean
compare it power
cant be down on power if i can keep up with other rm250 on a flat straight

Yes it can if both RMs have a worn top-end... Or poor jetting... Or bad reeds... Or gunk in the powervalve.. If you haven't taken apart your RM and gone over it with a fine-toothed comb, you can't say what condition it's in.

Also, flat straights at WOT are not good for a 2 stroke, they are lubricated through the fuel supply, and there isn't enough oil entering the cylinder to sustain WOT for more than 8-10 seconds without running dangerously low on oil in the top end. You can seize your engine doing this.

When I ride my RM on a fire trail, I pretend I'm slowing down for a big bump or something every 500 metres, to keep the usual load on the gearbox / engine, they're made to go up to 80 -90km / h really fast, then straight back down to 20 odd for a corner. Not sit at 100 km /h screaming up and down a totally flat gravel road.

One last thing as well, with a 2-stroke, it's far more important than a pitbike to warm your bike up fully before giving it the berries. Because of the uneven expansion of the piston in the cylinder due to the extreme temperatures on the exhaust port side, while fuel is cooling the intake side it will expand first on the exhaust port side, and if you rev it too much in the first 10min you can seize the expanded piston against the still-contracted exhaust port cylinder.

I like to get into my bike gear first, then start the bike, idle for about 30 seconds, and then start riding in slow circles, to warm up the gearbox oil and the clutch, then after I can feel the barrel is warm to touch, time to start ripping.
my dad knows his **** hes is a qualified small engine mechanic like all 2 stroke engines but he has raced 125 and 250 his whole life and worked on his own bikes but in a couple of my postes that i said my dad thats my step dad he know **** all.
so my dad raced untill 7 years ago he would know if its down of power and its not i just stated that it has no bottom end power and heaps up top
its not exactly like my 150 but its lots more power it just feels like it when ur a a certain amount of revs upwards
the shop went over the bike before the last owner got it the last owner got it just after it was rebuilt and run in and he rode it twice and it was too fast for him i know the person i brought it off
that enuff info it fine nothing wrong with it.....
riding in a staight line is totoally different to riding superx track so i suggest u tryiong riding ur 2 stroke on something with afew jumps and see how u go