what kind of mods

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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2007
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what kind of mods should i be looking at getting on my mso 140s...?
go with the IRK kit like jono has how good does his bike sound now


smallwheeldeals <<<< has em on flebay now

i just got mine today chaaawing just need jono to install it for me and im away lol
alright thanks
but what is an irk kit haha
dont know much about modding a bike and stuff
just noticed it in the totorials i just get it from that

are they the only mods performance wise?
there an easy mod if you got some mechanical no how

im gettin jono to do mine on sunday all goein well that way we can make a MORE detail vid to help you guys out a lil

other than that pull of your manifold IE the bent pipe that goes from your head to your carb

take tat of and polish the inside of that with a dremil hope you get what i mean

that ways it get better quicker smoother airflow in crease perfomance for very lil out lay if any
i would go an aftermarket exhaust, gives a little bit more power. I put a bit of martinni fuel in my 50 once which is like 110 octane and it went better but that is pretty expensive, its like the guru of fuels tho. get a big bore kit too And get a pro to tune it up. Definitly invest in some shivers too, they dont really help u go faster but they feel heaps better wen riding and jumping, then just the usual stuff . Pro tapers and bigger wheels and some michellins too

oh okay yeah i get what you mean
yeah ill do that
ill have to wait for the more detail video
does anyone know about exaust systems and stuff if they make a perfomance differnce?
rainey do you know of a good exhaust that would suit?

yeah was looking at some tappers
and what're shivers? lol
there was a thread made by a senior member about cheap mods anyone can do, they work a treat, cheers to who ever put them up. go searching for it it was under some cheap mod heading so theres a start
shivers- are marzockis, its not spelt like that but there are front forks. There the top of the range ur looking at 700 for a bargain pair or u can 2nd hand 1's cheaper, na i have no idea about an exhaust for an mso, im not sure if the pro circuits or the two bother racing pipes fit on. Also get an elma rear shock they are sweet man. I have the same trouble wen posting threads i cbf , so i just make my own so ppl always think that there all moderators telling you what to do but dw bout them, the real moderators dnt mind aslong as your following the format

theres nothing rong wid the rear shock on the 140s it holds up quite well as do the front forks but i havent done HUGE jumps yet

Ihavent bottomed my shoks yet so i dont think you will need to change them (Im 65-70KGs)
yeah thanks for all the replys everyone..
if theres anymore good mods let me know

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