Ok so iv been dirt bike riding for a long enough time as well as growing up racing motocross im use to being prepared for a upcoming weekend race or ride. Riding the ssr 125cc pit bike that i own iv come to be use to the ins and outs of what can go wrong and what might happen when riding. Below i have listed a number of things i bring with for almost every mini bike ride i go on. Hope this helps anyone wondering what to expect on there next long pit bike journey !
Alright so starting from left to right:
Air filter: aleays bring an rxtra foam filter, just incase you drop the bike on the right side iv had the filters tear right off ! So i always bring an extra.
Oil 10W40: always good to have extra oil; regardless of what your doing
Phillips and Flathead Screwdriver: never go wrong with a phillips, whether the plastics are coming loose or u need a pry bar or you need to adjust the idle for diffrent temperatures.
Pliers: great for whatever you may need to hold on to something with, or if you need to take the top off your round slide carburetor.
Dykes: cutting zip tyes or wire
Electrical tape: making sure you keep a leaking rim or tube sealed until you can get back to the truck or to aid wiring that has be come exsposed or ripped
Tire pressure gauge
10mm/8mm open end wrench : almost every dumb little bolt on this bike is a 10mm or 8mm bolt and a wrench will come in handy for anything loose
12mm/14mm open end wrench: perfect for axle and axle adjusters when being used with a 17mm wrench or socket.
Socket wrench with extensions for extra length.
Magnetic wrench for anything that may fall down in your engine. Dont ask why !
Extra shifter as i have had ones brake and fall off due to crappy hardware or just bevause they were crap.
Muffler plug for after riding cleaning.
Always good to have extra axle adjuster plates.
Chain wax incase you install a new chain.
And as follows. A. Extra chain and master link
Open end adjustable wrench for whatever you may need.
Zip tyes!!!
And a chain breaker !!!
Hope all helps !!

Alright so starting from left to right:
Air filter: aleays bring an rxtra foam filter, just incase you drop the bike on the right side iv had the filters tear right off ! So i always bring an extra.
Oil 10W40: always good to have extra oil; regardless of what your doing
Phillips and Flathead Screwdriver: never go wrong with a phillips, whether the plastics are coming loose or u need a pry bar or you need to adjust the idle for diffrent temperatures.
Pliers: great for whatever you may need to hold on to something with, or if you need to take the top off your round slide carburetor.
Dykes: cutting zip tyes or wire
Electrical tape: making sure you keep a leaking rim or tube sealed until you can get back to the truck or to aid wiring that has be come exsposed or ripped
Tire pressure gauge
10mm/8mm open end wrench : almost every dumb little bolt on this bike is a 10mm or 8mm bolt and a wrench will come in handy for anything loose
12mm/14mm open end wrench: perfect for axle and axle adjusters when being used with a 17mm wrench or socket.
Socket wrench with extensions for extra length.
Magnetic wrench for anything that may fall down in your engine. Dont ask why !
Extra shifter as i have had ones brake and fall off due to crappy hardware or just bevause they were crap.
Muffler plug for after riding cleaning.
Always good to have extra axle adjuster plates.
Chain wax incase you install a new chain.
And as follows. A. Extra chain and master link
Open end adjustable wrench for whatever you may need.
Zip tyes!!!
And a chain breaker !!!
Hope all helps !!