what type of pitbike for a learner rider

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Jan 19, 2008
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hey my names scott i was just wondering what type of pitbike would best suit a learner rider i have ridin a dt 180 before but thats it any info would help
how much do you want to spend?
how old are you?
what kind of riding will you be dooing?
Na get a Pitpro 250. If youve ridden a dt 180 this should be a bit of a step up so more power, more fun.
I ve just turned 16 and im willing to spend up to a 1000 bucks
i would just be using it for your every day bush bashing bike
where did u get your 250 for 1k??
is there anything wrong with buying a 140xr off ebay compared to off the pitpro site??
im a novice aswell, not looking to spend a **** load, but the xr sounds and looks alot better than the standard 140
no they r exactly the same company its just sometimes idiots pay full price wen they buy off their website rather than ebay
no they r exactly the same company its just sometimes idiots pay full price wen they buy off their website rather than ebay

All depends
like a pitpro's on ebay is different company to say the site sponsor Maylands, Maylands will normally have much better after sales service.
lol Masterspoon.. r u in the running for moderator?

Sif buy from a shop when eBay is WAY cheaper..... a shop will be stupid not to help u weather u bought ur bike from eBay or there shop...
Well I got stuffed around with my bike off ebay. Was on a pre order special and was like 3 weeks late and showed up without the pro tapers that were supposed to come with it. They came another 2 weeks later.

I have also heard of someone buying a Pitpro 140XR at the changeover of fitted with IRK / not fitted with IRK and was under the impression that it was still supposed to have one fitted, found out it wasn't, the shop they bought it off chased it up and fitted one for them. I wanna see you get that on ebay......

I'm not arguing that ebay is normally cheaper but for those that can't spin spanners and fix things themselves sometimes someone that gives a crap about helping you is worth the bit extra.
All depends
like a pitpro's on ebay is different company to say the site sponsor Maylands, Maylands will normally have much better after sales service.

i bought mine off ebay and have had great after sale service from pitpro the company. Also wen the bike was on order wen i contacted them it was the same people who run the site down in victoria. If ever ive had a problem i just drop them a line and they do everything in their power to help me

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