Whats happened to kaos 50's?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2006
Reaction score
lil old littlehampton, SA
hey guyes long time no post!,

i purchased a motostik from kaos 50's online 16days ago, paid the same day. got a computer generated email confirming my order and anouther saying it had been posted but still no pogo:mad:!! they dont answere any of my emails and their phone rings out??

anyone no whats going on with them? starting to get worried!:mad:

p.s cant get their site up now........F*&K hope i havent thrown 300 bux away.....

cheers Ryan
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Hey Thrash how are things?

Yer aparently Kaos have gone down hill aye, someone was winging about them before, waiting age's & not getting parts......
Kaos50 are Pathetic!! , they use to be good , there prices are good... but the past 6 months ++ they are absolute terrible

Reminds me they owe me a few things.....
by the sounds of it they've gone down the gergla... i would'nt trust them with 5cents
sounds like ill have to get onto consumer affairs if somthing dosnt happen soon. anyone got a different email or contact number other than whats on the site?
Theres a black ute what lives around the corner from my house white the plates [KAOS50] i always wonder if it has something to do with that mob or maybe it means kaos 5L v8
Did you pay by credit card? a lot of credit cards have inbuilt insurance against these sort of things.
Na payment was made by direct bank deposite, their emails are being bounced back to me now and their site is down..... F(*&^N shifty people. anyone got any more info on kaos50s? how do i go about reporting them to consumer affairs?
Sucks to hear mate!

Ive heard A LOT of guys complain about Kaos 50s and how they DONT do Business...

Hope you hear back from SOMEONE who can help you out and hopefully get your money back!
they have an ebay shop. send em a message, with any luck there ebay has a different email address...
They should of shut down there site ALONG time ago to stop this **** happening , this has been happening for over 6 months now.

Try and get ahold of michelle she is decent to work with. ill try get a email.

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