A CBR250 will bore you just as fast as the RX did.I had a CBR250RR Fireblade as my first road bike 10 years ago and the only good thing about riding it was listening to the engine scream its face off at the 18500rpm redline.
My advice would be to go with a big bore single cylinder which is still LAMS approved and play with torque rather than revs.Whether thats something in motard form or not thats upto you but believe me the CBR250 will get boring real quick.
And if someone offers you $2,500 for the RX,snap it up as id be wrapped with that for mine and ive also outlayed a ***** load of cash into it like you have.
i dont think so, its got alot more power than the rx, itll be a project in itself aswell
haven't poured that much into it, i bought it for 1200 remember
its got 2600 on here rosseti
I dont know why you bother coming on here, clearly you dont want other peoples advice and opinions as you seem to think you know everything, which is quite an achievement for a boy your age.
I dont know where you got the impression that a 250 4 stroke has alot of power? But youre sadly mistaken my son.
But with your know it all attitude i think a 250 is more power than you can handle.Happy riding young fella.