Whats the law?

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Jul 14, 2009
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i only have 1 point left on my car licence due to previous offences if i get caught riding pitty not on road but parks etc can i lose my car licence? anyone no?
dunno. may depend on where you are from.. either way, DONT. you riding in parks gives US a bad name and is what causes the public to frown down upon us.. are you made of $$? cos expect about 2k in fines ;)

Find a legit spot to ride.. go to a track, go to a mates with some property.. just stay out of public parks and off the streets!!

Im down to a single point to.. know how much it sux.. but i gotta drive 10+hrs a day for work.. im wondering if I can apply for an excemption so can still drive between 6am and 6pm.. (dont know if this is possible, but i'll certainly ask for it!)

I suggest calling the RTA or local cop shop and just inquire.. they cant pin you for something you (or a friend) is considering doing..
yeah dont be riding in parks and crap if its illegal but my understanding is that if you dont have a motorbike license and you get caught they wont be able to take you car license away they will only fine you for being unlicensed and unregistered and what ever else they want to but as soon as you get a bike license one effects the other, they both get linked so if you get done speeding on a bike and lose points it comes off ur car license and if you get caught riding in illegal places they can and will probably take points off ur license
here in SA any if your on the road/council land in/on anything driving/riding it,
then it can lead to big fines and loss of license,
take foolsp33d's advice find somewhere legal and save yourself, and the community the hassle!
Vaporizer Whip
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and national parks are the ulitmate in fines... lucky we didnt ride on it last week because its a $10,000 fine if a ranger catches you :|
and national parks are the ulitmate in fines... lucky we didnt ride on it last week because its a $10,000 fine if a ranger catches you :|

You can ride in national parks in vic if you got license and rego. but most tracks in nationals are managment which you cant ride down
Im down to a single point to.. know how much it sux.. but i gotta drive 10+hrs a day for work.. im wondering if I can apply for an excemption so can still drive between 6am and 6pm.. (dont know if this is possible, but i'll certainly ask for it!)

yea it's possible but you gotta go to court and convince them that it'll seriously effect your life (lose income etc), I hear it's not easy either.

If you get caught riding in vic and you don't have a bike license then it won't effect your car license, but $1400 in fines and I'm sure they could do you for more if they're extra nice cops, they can also take your bike if they feel like it.
oh for sure.. I drive for work.. so i reckon I got a leg to stand on ;) been a good moral citizen for more than 10 years now :D lol... got letters from customers to my boss giving me praise.. I reckon I got a good chance :D..guess we will see ;)

nah im not one to ride in illegal spots.. id prefer to be able to not have to look over my shoulder every 10 seconds..

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