Where To Buy Offset Feeler Gauges For Adjusting Valve Clearances (.003, .004)

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Well-Known Member
May 14, 2009
Reaction score
Adelaide Hills, South Australia
Hey guys,

I'm gonna do the valve clearance run through as soon as I get hold of some offset feeler gauges.
I have gone to many auto stores and they have offsets but only go down to .005?
And they do stock regular feeler gauges that go down to .003 but I tried earlier in the year with them and it just snapped.
If you guys have any please tell me where you got them from.
I live in Adelaide by the way.

Also, people who do live in Adelaide would know of East 50's.
Do you know if they stock throttle cables?
If not what are some other motorbike stores that do.
I have a PitPro 140XR which has a YX140cc and a 30mm Mikuni carb if that info helps..

Any info appreciated.
Thanks, Mitch.
i couldnt find 0.003 guages as wel, but if you want , ou can use paper.

tallyo paper or any of them brands for rolling smokes are 0.001 so 3 of them
or norma paper folde over is 0.004 to
yea you had a dodgy gauge if it snapped, If you want offset ones so bad just buy straight one's and bend the tips
or maybe I just was doing something dumb with it outside of the bike like on the floor or something cause if it snapped while trying to measure it, it would fall inside wouldnt it?
and that definately didnt happen.
but yeh so they are flexible enough?
yea man you can bend em in half and they just pop back, I bent the tips on mine it makes it easier
yeh well I think they may be my grandfathers, so that would make sense
and thats probably what I was doing, trying to bend the tip.
I just dont want to go out, buy new set, try and bend the tip and snap.
But I guess I dont need offset ones as long as it can bend into the positions need to do the valve clearances.
and dvdrip do you know what I mean by coming in from a certain side?
if you are looking at the left side of the bike, would you insert the feeler gauge from the left or right side?
thanks, will give that a thought.

and could people please answer this one
Also, people who do live in Adelaide would know of East 50's.
Do you know if they stock throttle cables?
If not what are some other motorbike stores that do.
I have a PitPro 140XR which has a YX140cc and a 30mm Mikuni carb if that info helps..

ive got a brand new throttle cable here you can have for $10 Mitch, PM sent.
Mitch most auto places like repco, autopro, supacheap etc, will stock feeler gauge kits that have everything from 1.0 down to .001... i've got a straight set, and have simply bent the ends to fit into the valve gaps a little more easily... i'm surprised you snapped one, they are very flexible... oh, and when you insert the feeler under the valve, if you come in from directly over the top for the intake, or below for the exhaust, you should be able to slide it under...
take a look at the thread/tute i did on valve clearances, the pics show you how to do it. :)
oh, and i'm not sure if East50's is open at the moment, last i heard Brian was in hospital after a MTB get-off... may pay to ring first, but i'd say he stocks throttle cables...
If i'm sitting on the left side of the engine, then I insert the feeler gauge from the right, or sorta halfway between right and top....
i got mine from bunnings cost me 6 bucks and started at 002 goes to 025
brians got throttle cables. but shop has been shut over xmas. not sure when it reopens. hope thump140 is wrong with the M.T.B off, rather him being on holidays than hospital. :(

and just buy a ****ty supercheap set of feeler guages, chuck em in a vice and bend up all the tips only.
easy as. dont pay top dollar for a set already "pre-bent".
alright thanks to everyone and got myself some straight feeler gauges this morning.
also went to east 50's and got the throttle cable.
Brian seemed fine, couldnt see anything noticeable.

thump*140, yeh I will check that out now cause I will probably be doing it soon.
and thanks DvDRip :)

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