Which 250 4 banger??????????

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The newer SS valve's they are installing 100% solve these problems. There is not 1 person I have heard of that has had problems after intalling these valves. Although they are expensive (like $250 each).

Danity, are you starting to see what we mean by thumpers are pricey to maintain??
If you chose to do all the valves in the head, there's $1000 straight up on parts alone.. and doesnt include shims, labour etc etc...
For that price, you could do a complete top end rebuild on a 250 two stroke, and probably have enough left over for some shiny stickers, or a muffler... :)
Danity, are you starting to see what we mean by thumpers are pricey to maintain??
If you chose to do all the valves in the head, there's $1000 straight up on parts alone.. and doesnt include shims, labour etc etc...
For that price, you could do a complete top end rebuild on a 250 two stroke, and probably have enough left over for some shiny stickers, or a muffler... :)

Lol yea i do see your point thump*

HMMM...i guess it comes down to the right bike for the right price..well see
the way honda have designed the cam it makes the inlet valve practicaly dump from open to shut, hence why they always have & always will eat inlet valves... untill they change it

there is no debate on this it is FACT. but i have seen some last for over 200 hours & some last for 5 hours

I thought it was a poor head design not valves but i may be wrong......the 09's are fine, ive done about a 150hrs now and it hasn't missed a beat, starts first kick every time(unless i leave the bungs in lol:rolleyes:) I heard if you put a 08 head and cam on the 05 models it will fix the problem and wont need to be rebuilt as often, Not to sure on those models tho?
^^^ and swap all those gay little 8mm hex head fasteners that always adorn the Hondas. Stupid friggin yamahas got em now too... oh how i lament the days when i could dismantle a bike with a 10 and 12mm socket!!!! stoopid technology... *kick!*
$250 each for Steel vales!!!! i got the kits x2 valves & 2 springs for $200 & they are of the highest quality...

do you work at a bike shop Motovertman?

Here's the catch. They are not just the regular Stainless Steel valves. SS valves is the company name.

Are they these ones?

Welcome to SSV Valves

If not I hate to tell you but the one's you are selling are far from the best quality.

No I don't work in a bike shop.
HMMM...i guess it comes down to the right bike for the right price..well see

Exactly... :)
If your budget will only stretch as far as a mid-naughties thumper if that's what you've got your heart set on, do your homework, look at LOTS of bikes, ride whatever ones you can, and make sure the one you buy has receipts for everything, especially find one that has been recently been rebuilt..
oh, and if it's advertised as "never been raced", remember that doesnt equate to "never been thrashed".... And racebikes generally get a bit more in the way of maintenance than trail ridden goon bikes... :D
^^^ and swap all those gay little 8mm hex head fasteners that always adorn the Hondas. Stupid friggin yamahas got em now too... oh how i lament the days when i could dismantle a bike with a 10 and 12mm socket!!!! stoopid technology... *kick!*

hahaha i hear ya mate pain in the arse ay:mad:
hhmmm may have to try that out while i sink some cold ones tonight........here birdy birdy :D

that would be cruel and irresponsible....

Personally, i find "Here, kitty kitty kitty" works heaps betterer... :D
that would be cruel and irresponsible....

Personally, i find "Here, kitty kitty kitty" works heaps betterer... :D

bahaha na then i would get shot at as the missus loves her cat......dam fleeball gets more than me :(......gotta take out the birds anyway they made a nest in me shed and they **** on everything my bikes have poker dots now not a good look lol
yes not the prettiest things to clean off ones bike... Hmm, having read the last few posts we've put in here, i believe the below may be appropriate for the both of us...

Goin to check out an 05 yz250f today :D , Got sheetloads of aftermarket stuff on it.
ya you gotta look past the nice shiny bits and aftermarket stuff, thats easy to get sucked in by, the motor and overall condition of the bike is where you need to be pedantic and have a good look and a test ride if you can, check radiators for damage as they are hella expensive to replace aswell
Haha yeah Tom & roost....I wasnt buying it because i like the shiny bits lol..
Its had a full top end rebuild 3 rides ago, New SS valves, racing suspension, aftermarket exhaust lotsa other stuff..Only thing it needs is new fork seals...theyve just started leaking.
Ive pretty much bought it....It would be sittin in the back of the ol cruiser....but unfortunatley he didnt have the proof of purchase papers on him...And i just drove for an hour and a half to get there! lol
Goin to pick it up tomorrow arvo sometime...
And yeah i got a test ride of course..Kicked over first kick, ran nice and smooth! Loved it! :p
Yeah ill throw some pics up when i get em!!
is it an ex-racer? if so, it may have had the necessary work done on it...
top-end rebuild is good, bottom end rebuild would have been better, as that's usually where the big problems lie... however you may be lucky. My 99 400 is still going strong, and is only on it's second set of rings. Done about a squillion hours, and although i know there is nothing wrong with it mechanically, i cant say i'd have much luck selling it, being a ten year old bike with no rebuilds... sorry heading off topic there.. my point being, you may be lucky, you may not, but if you have all the receipts, and it's an ex-racer, it may be worth the $....
how much you pay for it in the end?

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