Which stickers?

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Aug 16, 2014
Reaction score
Wild West Oz
Hi there! I've recently bought a cheapo pit bike at auction for my son and am going through the usual things to fix before he can get out there and try it out (not working kick start turned out to be a broken gearbox shaft- DOH!)

Anyway, any ideas what it is and more to the point which sticker kit would fit on it? The only clue I have is that is has a Zongshen 140 motor with a Mikuni carby and a Dominator stator cover. I've done a bit of an ebay search but can't see any sticker kits that look close.


Welcome to Miniriders,

it looks to me like a Braaap/YCF style pit bike ?
Thanks for the welcome. Long time browser, just registered. You know how it goes!

I've seen a XTM 140 Pitboss bike at Steve's in Midland (WA) that looks to be pretty much identical but they didn't have sticker kits to suit when I asked. Quite different from the braaaps I've seen though.

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Not a braaap, but it does have a YCF front guard, weird
Looking at it, they appear to be mostly WA based- lots of places sell them here and not so many over east. It may just be a model that one distributor has decided to bring in- so sticker sets may be tricky. I'll try some of the other shops here in Perth.
might be best to contact one of the bike graphics specialist and send them pics and im sure they could make some up or if u send them your plastics so they could template them