Wiring issues for z160

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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
Reaction score
Newcastle, Lake Macquarie
hey i was just browsen thru the tut section and couldnt find much on wiring, and wen it comes to anything to do with wiring i dont no much at all...

I have this z160 to replace my z140 to fit into my dhz... now iv removed the engine and all elec components (cdi n coil).... i got all this stuff from Russ and what he has givin me is, the digital cdi box, new coil, engine obviously... and thats it...

now what i need help with is how to put it all together, please keep in mind i have NO IDEA about wiring and its bit n peices...

cheers for all the help, if miniriders wasnt here id probably pay through the nose for some1 to do this for me...
get pics up , wire colors and so forth , that will speed up your help
righto champ ill do that now

also just had a look at the fram and compared the to cdis, they are completly diff obviously, its just i have NO IDEA where to even put the new one???

pics commin soon
Hey Dub,

go to Hooper Imports Experts on Chinese Motorcycles and Parts, Engines, then "helpful and technical info", then "engine wiring info" or ask sean01. Depending on the no of wires coming out from yr stator dictates the circuit to use. In saying that i had the 5 wire system on my thumpy because i had the battery and estart system and i converted to the 4 wire system successfully. Doing this change i bypassed the battery, electric start (due to a fault in the wiring) and used the conventional kick start method. The bike started first time.

Have a look, it would most likely be the second last diagram.

Tell us how u go....
cheers for that joey....

1st pick is wires out of the 160

2nd new cdi box

3rd all of the wires out of 160

4th obviously my fram... now i dont know if u can make it a bigger pick but there is a lil metal flap of my frame (infront of the spare tyre in the background) where the old cdi sat.
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wheres the loom ?? there should also be a loom , thats the wires that go from cdi to engine there will be a plug on it to suit the cdi and then wires other end to match the wires from engine ??
um yea seeing as i dont think i have any wires comming from the cdi there fore i dont think i have a loom, however i have some spare off the 140, ill take a photo and thro it up...
Dubn give me a few hours, I've converted a 125z to 160ho, the wiring will be the same. I'll see which wires go where, and draw up a basic diagram to go with your pics... I'd say you'll need to use some of your old 140 loom... Had to do the same when I wired the miniblitz fir an ork..,
alright champ take your time... thanks a mioll for this ayy, i just read a tut for wiring but i have a few more pins in the cdi then that one had... ur a life saver!!
Dubn give me a few hours, I've converted a 125z to 160ho, the wiring will be the same. I'll see which wires go where, and draw up a basic diagram to go with your pics... I'd say you'll need to use some of your old 140 loom... Had to do the same when I wired the miniblitz fir an ork..,

i really dont think thats possible seeing as look at the cdi plug of a normal cdi oposed to the big black completely differnt...

i would honestly ken up for a loom would be much easier
yer ill see wat thump* comes back with, but yea i will be getting a new loom... 1st thing tomoro morning im even taking a personal day to get it n put it on.... how much are they roughly???
yeah i doubt it will be possible too, you need the loom for the cdi plug..

get the loom from dhz and it will be plug and play.. im guessing it was forgotten in the engine box

as for mounting the cdi box, wait till you get the loom to see how long it is and then obviously mount it where it wont interfere with anything.. alot of ppl just zip tie it to the frame..

also i wouldnt recommend converting it back to a normal little cdi as the one supplied with the new 160 will have the ignition map to suit that engine
yeah i doubt it will be possible too, you need the loom for the cdi plug..

get the loom from dhz and it will be plug and play.. im guessing it was forgotten in the engine box

as for mounting the cdi box, wait till you get the loom to see how long it is and then obviously mount it where it wont interfere with anything.. alot of ppl just zip tie it to the frame..

also i wouldnt recommend converting it back to a normal little cdi as the one supplied with the new 160 will have the ignition map to suit that engine

no wonder i was havin trouble with it all, i guess it helps to hav the all the parts ayy lol

cheers mate
Forgot too ask u if u got a loom with it. Got no reception at the snow either man so if u sent me any texts won't get them. Are u gunna run it all the same up through the frame?? N ur lucky I had no cash otherwise that'd be my engine! Lol

yer obviously i dnt hav1 so im not goin up tomoro... im gunna buy all the parts i dnt hav... um yer prolly run the wires all thru the frame if thats wat u mean... no idea where im guna put the new cdi tho

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