WTF w/ the ads

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well even 5 bucks a month or something like that wouldnt be all that bad but just a suggestion
makes me laff you know ... couple of years ago setup a site with no adds, and offered to let pitbike companies advertise for free. They had even organised special discounts for members, and were in the process of organising events.
The site was very professional and used the very latest bulletin board technology because it was run by a web developer.

But dick heads being *********, they bagged the **** out of it and even tried to sabotage it.

The guy that owns this site isnt interested in the Pitbike scene and doesnt even frequent the site.

But when an inthusiast tries to do something to help the scene he gets bagged out.

my 2c worth ...
no one now ... I was just saying about ozpitbike, and how it was a site by riders for riders and no one gave it a chance.
Yeah usually I'm either Sandboard Chik, ZukChik, Surf Chik... LOL For some reason I decided on muddy mini. I may have to change it!
Welcome Muddy nice first post .... girl or guy I think your rep level after 4 posts must be a record

so well done, your'e ripping and I'm sure you'll fit right in :cool:
Welcome Muddy nice first post .... girl or guy I think your rep level after 4 posts must be a record

so well done, your'e ripping and I'm sure you'll fit right in :cool:

Hey, thanks Dreadful for the warm welcome :) I've been a bit of a loiterer on here for a while but thought I should at long last partake in conversation.

I see you have a MSO SR? That's what I have! Great bike :)

Oops, gone off topic now. Sorry :eek:
yes i seen the site, but wasnt sure it if was the total range;)
and yeh i was mad keen to get one befor i went over to moreton island (a sand island 30k's off moreton bay in brissy)
but unfortunently i diddnt have time:(
No worries mate I call em as I see em :)

Yep I helped M.S.O out with a few things like riders and advertising n stuff and couldn't resist the SR as me and a mate of mine Durant Durant had a fair bit of input into the bike .... yeah great bike and great people a shame they went under the industry needs more like em .:(
Looks like $219: Ocean Culture® Sandboard Shop

Very cool I never even knew the sport existed. Looks pretty awesome

Dang, you're too quick for me Madden! I was just about to type in that bit of info somehow. Yes, the Jumpboards are a good starting point & the sport itself has been around for ages!!! I've been making sandboards since '94... so have a bit of experience :D Feel free to check out the pics on my site
yes i seen the site, but wasnt sure it if was the total range;)
and yeh i was mad keen to get one befor i went over to moreton island (a sand island 30k's off moreton bay in brissy)
but unfortunently i diddnt have time:(

Yep, that's the full range of boards on the site. If you're nice to me I could do MiniRiders discounts, LOL

There's a company called Goanna Adventures that do sandboarding tours in Moreton & they use my boards (oops, another plug) Maybe this thread should be renamed 'WTF who highjacked my Ads thread with sandboarding crap!'
No worries mate I call em as I see em :)

Yep I helped M.S.O out with a few things like riders and advertising n stuff and couldn't resist the SR as me and a mate of mine Durant Durant had a fair bit of input into the bike .... yeah great bike and great people a shame they went under the industry needs more like em .:(

I agree. Linda & Ken were extremely helpful when I bought the bike (which I think was the very last one) and I was quite disappointed to see that their business had closed down. They were just so down to earth & friendly :)

Your input into the SR bike is much admired & appreciated, I love it :) The only probs I'm having is with the $^## Makuni carby, constantly drips fuel out of the overflow hose (adjusted float & all) & idles wherever it feels like on the day. Was going to buy an oko soon... oh and an 800LB shock spring.