Ok thought I would resurect this thread because it has lots of intersting info and it's where I did most of my homework before buying an Xb-35.
First of all I have to laugh at some of the negative, ill informed comments about the xB-35. It's funny how people know so much about a bike they have never seen or ridden. We went through this when my son was racing karts and people started heaping crap on chinese karts even though no one had actually seen one.
I raced Moto X alot when I was younger but im now in my early 40s. When my son decided to switch from racing karts to Moto X I decided to go cheap because my original plan was to just plonk around a few trails and watch and help my son learn the skills. After 25 years off a bike I didnt think I would remember a thing about riding hard.
I was out at the track yesterday and the lure of the Moto X track was just too much and I decided just to do a couple of slow laps. It's amazing how much your brain remembers and how it can recall the information after so many years. Within 3 laps I was giving the poor little XB-35 250cc 4-banger the thrashing of it's life. I was riding with kids less than half my age 2 on KX 125cc bikes 1 on a CR 125 and one on a KTM 400 something. Only the KTM stayed ahead. Yes there will be those nay sayers here who will say it was because the other 3 guys could not ride, but I can tell you they were not too bad and the fact my $2000 chinese bike left their 4x more expensive 2 stroke rockets behind shows the Xb_35 is not a bad bike at all and a bargain for the price.
The only problem is the front suspension travel. It's less than adequate, and when you throw it over a table top, your neck gets a beating when the front wheel smashes into the guard.
I'm wondering if you could fit a set of quality Jap forks to this thing.
The only mods I have done is remove the baffle from the exhaust to make it sound better

and remove the ugly stickers
Here is my bike.