i got a good lil chunk done today. fixed my piston jig to accept skirtless pistons. cut .030th out the exhaust not as pretty as the cnc job that it came with but it'll do the job. now i have about .060-.065th when i clay. which isnt what i want but least i have enough clearance that i feel some what safe with. once i got it the ex notches cut i file fitted the rings and assembled. stuffed the motor then realized the angled top for my carb i purchased from sudco wasnt going to work so i had machine the top of the carb and make a insert so id have clearance for the throttle cable which turned into a well that was dumb lets try this deal. finally got that figured out and contiuned on. then found a mess of nic nac bolts i need to button it up. so tomorrow i'll order the bolts and nuts i need. in the mean time being i want to run a thumb throttle i'll have to machine a half moon spacer to space my front brake lever out for clearance. and as bad as i hate to i guess i could use the down time to put the seat cover and graphics on. god i hate doing either one. more so graphics than the seat cover.
after .030th cut on exhaust pockets
what i have for exhaust clearance