XR50 01' Stock/Mod Ultimate stocker build.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2011
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Netherlands (Europe)
Hey guys,
Already had a few mod/stock 50's in the past, sold everything and havent done anything with them the last 2 years.
I saw a clean stockXR50 01' frame for sale, bought it and going to start a build from ground up. :D
I braced it (Welds doesnt look amazing, but works great) and bought a few parts i will post some pictures of the next days.
Here are some pics of the frame and bracing i did on it.




For so far:
XR 01' Frame
Stock crf forks with BBR HD springs
HD rear spring
Triple clamps
Pro Taper crf50 style bars
Red/white plastic combo
New fork guards
Tall seat

Not sure yet:
Footrest and footpegs

Hope to get my new graphics and some other stuff this week :D
Any help or ideas are very welcome :)

Grtz, Mini-Fifty.
That looks like a good starting point with that frame.
Are you going to fit an engine cradle to it as well.
That will take the stress off your foot peg mounts and make the bike feel stronger too

Dont buy the cradle kits from ebay though, just get it made. I bought one, waited 6 weeks for it, and when it showed up I had to mod it to work as whoever built it didnt use a jig to make sure everything was square so the peg bar didn't want to slot in and the tabs that run across the cradle where all way out of square. Made it work but would of been easier to fabricate it myself.
That looks like a good starting point with that frame.
Are you going to fit an engine cradle to it as well.
That will take the stress off your foot peg mounts and make the bike feel stronger too


Thanks for the kind words guys.
For now im not going for a cradle mount, just the bracing i did i think it will be good :D
Just my two cents. Im 120kg's
Ive been riding 50's since 2006. Been to heaps meetings racing them ,hold me own backyard races & ive never bent stock frame!
People do bend them! Just i or me mates around home have'nt.
Got the first package today in the mail :D
New plastics with new graphic kit, i think they turned out awesome!
They are a MXON USA replica kit, i get them custom made just the numberplates are a bit different but designed by myself.
(I just can't decide on the front nummerplate yet :) )
Look pro set up!
Watts your race number?
Thanks guys :D
I'm using my number 102 for it.
i just didnt want it on the plastics, because when i get tired of them i just peel the 102 number of and it will be easier to sell them without numbers on the numberplates.
Get a newer 2014/2015 crf50 front plate a 70 plate is to big and looks strange as on a stocker imo.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Here is the newer style front number plate, it first came out on the 2013 models

2013 front crf50 plate.jpg


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