Yamaha Chappy No spark

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Jan 16, 2017
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I have A 1978 Yamaha Chappy LB50 will not start. I have power to coil and coil is new but no spark at plug. I have no manual so what is procedure to start. Also battery is dead could that be the problem. I got this not running so kinda in the dark on history. Thanks
Hey steve,
as a fellow chappy owner(I also got the scoot not running, but had a nice fat spark) no, a dead battery would not stop it from startin, mine was dead 2, I would take off the side cover, (flywheel side) & chk out the points & make sure they're clean, specially if it has been sittin, jus turn the flywheel till ya see em open, spray a quick blast of carb cleaner on em (not 2 much)then stick a matchbook cover between em, turn the flywheel till they close, then drag the matchbook cover out of em, do this a few times, ya'll b surprised how much gunk gets built up in there! & how dirty they get! not promisin ya nething, but it's a good starting point, hope it gets ya on
the right track -------twosmoke