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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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i find it quite funny how so many people say all pitbikes are ****, i'm sure nearly all pitbike riders hear this. A few of the guy's i go riding with have crf250r's and cr's and all of them have previously owned pitbikes however they never looked after them (never changed oil, never cleaned airfilter and never warmed them up) which as we all know will destroy almost any bike. i have had my pit bike for over a year now and in that space the guys with the 250 jap bikes have done numerous top end rebuilds and my pit bike has had no major engine work other than valve adjustments and the pitbike did more work than any of the jap bikes.
i will admit the pitbike is blowing a tiny bit of smoke now but for what i paid it has served me well.
Argh this old fight, i often get it with typical homo Honda riders. That ride big crf's. Because they owned one as well, mind you a piece of **** lei that was 4 years old and completely wrecked. so they always give me **** but we have now towed this ******s crf 3 times behind pittys because he keeps blowing fuses ha ha and we have had no problems.
uhmmm, crf with fuses, please explain...

and yeah no matter what bike you have, it is only as good as the maintenance done on it...

i get so many bikes (china and jap) dropped off to me for repairs and the first thing i ask is when was the last service, they go like ummm what ya mean service.. i dont both asking any more questions and i tell them to expect the worst when i sus it out.
some oil i have removed from 2 strokers is blacker than diesel oil
I think the crf230 have fuses, but yeah f*ck off and stop bagging Honda. Any bike will run like **** if its not looked after properly.
Minibikecr@zy think you should came down a tad mate.

And my bad it was the guy that owned the crf also owned a kawasaki 400 with electrics and it always blew fuses and did funny stuff.

But you are right both of you if you look after the pit bikes properly and its a half decent make then youll be fine and get a fair few years out of them.
and yeah no matter what bike you have, it is only as good as the maintenance done on it...

Should be the title of every thread "is this bike anygood?" well said.
Its true ive seen 4 year old Tdr's really well looked after and they still go alright
bit like my 2004 atomik 125 agb-27....
still going strong, never skipped a beat... i've seen engines with 2 hours on them killed by deadshit owners...
ps: brakes, suspension and steering stem on the atomik STILL work/rotate/move...
Funny how grease prolongs the life of mobile parts....
I have towed my mates crf250 many times with my pit bike because he has burnt out valves. i just laugh at him now because a top end rebuild for his bike cost more than my current pitbike which is still going strong, how ever im looking at getting either one of the new dhz160's or a ciniworx cxz175 i cant decide....
Have you looked at getting a Ciniworx 250 watercooled? Bike costs as much as CNC hubs for a honda!
Sorry i would have to disagree with maintenance makes a good bike.
Maintenance maintains a bike but build quality is very important.
Just think of the 3 little pigs. A house of sticks does the job but a wolf cant blow down bricks.Same goes for anything else.
There are huge differences in the quality of parts and metal coming out of China. Just look at how the quality has changed in the last 5 years of Mini Dirt Bikes.
As an importer you have to keep a constant check on the quality of products and have a strong relationship with your suppliers or you are bound to get ripped. You are considered the manufacturer and are responsible for the quality of goods you are selling. The chinese are very good at cutting corners cos they make very little profit!
Seriously MXGIRL, sometimes you are worse than a walking advertisement! :p

I think the point being made is that no matter how good a bike is it will become a terrible bike very quickly if it isn't maintained... Obviously most new Jap bikes are better out of the box than a China (providing they are well maintained, like any bike), but you will pay an exponentially higher price per "unit" of performance increase. The same applies almost everywhere ;)

Maintenance keeps a good bike good would be a better way of phrasing it. In that manner, it also keeps a decent bike decent! :D
imo the quality got worse after the first crf50 copy fym's thump*'s etc after they started bringing in crf style midsize's galore ...

Past couple years its picked up again
Thankyou for rephrasing that...haha...come on i didnt mention Ciniworx once in that!!
That is something GOOD that has come out of the Asbestos issue. Only the established importers could afford the cost of importing and so it has got rid of alot of the backyard guys.
i think its time you's started to sponsor the site(not just claim you will soon), then you can dribble all you want..
every other business gets there ass kicked on miniriders for even hinting about selling or promoting their products.
I wish these warnings you get actually highlighted what was said so i know what it is refering to!!