you get what you pay for

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this happens to me all the time.
everyone at school said my bikes **** (the ones like bikes and cars) and most of them are dicks anyway with a DRZ125L.
then i let 3 of my friends ride my bike and they haven't said one bad thing about it since:clap:
also when i was looking at a new bike at peterstevens the guy asked me what bike i had and i said a motovert and straghit away he said oh a pos i had one but the 07 motovert pro i snaped the engine mounts and relised i was wasting my time with it so i got rid of it you should deffently buy this bike and get rid of that pos
same thing happend at KTM richmond
"pitbike rider a ******* they can just go kill them selfs on those pos"
and at yamaha too.
i dont really listin to them anymore and at the track almost every week some one asks me or dad about the bike and if its good and stuff like that.

if big bike riders looked after pitbikes and didn't buy the $200 ones and did nothing to them i don't think they would be pos.
When trying to organise minis only ride days alot of the tracks think that mini dirt bike riders are not serious riders. But once we have a ride day they are totally impressed by not only the number of riders but the talent. Its even surprising how many big bike riders take a mini for a spin and get hooked.
well like what i probly previously said, i own both jap and china bikes.. my jap bike breaks just as much and believe it or not i actually prefer to ride my china.

so the statement "get what ya pay for" is sorta correct in the respect that everything breaks at sometime in its life..but lowering the breaking issues can be done by regular maintenance & services and predicting when a part is going to fail..
and replace the crappy high maintenance parts for quality ones..

might also add that jap bikes get assembled by bike dealerships, so not always will they be assembled or pre-delivered properly..

iv seen 2009 model yz450f's with dead head stem bearing 3 months after purchase.. pretty good hey..
also assembly grease is the first thing you need to replace as this is half the problem..
same goes for linkage bearings, back in the day most bikes with linkage suspension were made with grease nipples in the linkage which prolonged the life of the bearings...where are these grease nipples now?

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