You got air?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score
Up in the snow-blown scandinavia.
Hi folks, its probably night for you aussies right now, but I don't care, I'm at work and I'm bored, just wanted to know how far people have jumped their minis? My own personal best is about 35f.t on a real motocross tabletop, I'm actually pretty proud of that distance, especially since my loncin still has the stock forks\shock (my nephew got better damping on his mountainbike)

So come on, tell how far your biggest air was and on what bike.
Ill be the only honest one here:D 30-40ft is about all ive ever done,

Word on the streets in australia is that this kid named Sidney tried a massive "35cm" last week and
busted bars etc, the works, its must have been totally off the hook to see! now thats true hardcore! hope ya alright mate, get well soon;)
Word on the streets in australia is that this kid named Sidney tried a massive "35cm" last week and
busted bars etc, the works, its must have been totally off the hook to see! now thats true hardcore! hope ya alright mate, get well soon;)
im **** at jumps, best ive done is lke 3 metre jump to bank kinda thing at this track ive got. How do people have balance in the air mine tends to go off sometimes
40-50ft is the biggest on my mini and I nose dived, was bloody scary. That was on my mates mx tabletop.
I've never jumped my mini as i don't trust it lol but i am pretty hardcore into downhill MTB and i have a couple of bikes worth more than my mini 4-5x over so i jump them a fair bit.

Pulled around 25ft dunno maybe a little bigger but on a bike that only weighs 6-8kgs feels pretty sketch when your jumping those kinds of distances.

I actually have a pic of me jumping 15 kids at a bmx track they are all lined up side by side laying down of course but i'll get the pic up here when i can.
If you got pics of your biggest air, share them with us, and you downhill MTBs are complete nutcases, I don't know what drives sane people to throw themselves off the sides of mountains on bikes that weigh less than my Xr's rear wheel, and to be honest, I don't want to know why they do it, I can probably live my life without experiencing the "buzz" of flying over big, sharp rocks, huge drops, trees, and the maimed remains of the bikers that didn't make it to the bottom...
every 1 thats says they have done over 30foot on a mini must of been a real straight sort of jump with no lip...

Coz 30 foot is what they place the gap at for 50 FMX competition.... it it's a pretty big gap with that kind of lip (wide open on a CRF50 70kms)
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LOL every 1 thats says they have done over 30foot on a mini must of been a real straight sort of jump with no lip...

Coz 30 foot is what they place the gap at for 50 FMX competition

A freestyle ramp is bulit for height and hang-time, freestylers hit the ramps in second gear, a real size mx tabletop is not built for hangtime, Mxers hit jumps at flat out speeds, try to hit an fmx ramp in 4th gear on a 250 2stroke and you will be going for a record of some sorts...
For the SA people this was at Tbones (Victor Harbor) 4 months ago, (not mini)


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O see the storey now,

my biggest mini jump is 30 foot

my biggest on a big bike was 90ft dirt to dirt double

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